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Skill Enhancement & Educational Development

In collaboration of RLRR, RISA & Y&SB (Area Committee)

Burn the Flame to excel everything


SEED named Skill Enhancement & Educational Development is the program exclusively for the people of Rahimabad.

As we know that In order to construct a building there are certain rules that must be followed. There has to be a foundation that is strong enough to sustain the building, the weaker the foundation the greater are the chance of collapse of the building. The same case goes with the institutions of our Jamat that are being run by the Jamati members themselves. If these individuals or leaders are not strong & skillful enough; & posses the quality of effective leadership then institute cannot be expected to extend maximum benefit to the Jamat. Since, it was realized that our Jamat requires professional skill that could help them in managing not only the institution but their lives as well in the long run.

This is the opportunity for the people who really want to excel in their fields using their abilities and this program will help then to come forward with their special talents and give them a chance to learn more not through the lectures but with the practical aspect of the learning.

Rahimabad Library & Reading Room

Rahimabad Ismaili Students` Association

Youth & Sport Board (Area Committee)


Or Contact

Anis Amir Ali

Zulfiqar Hassan Ali

Zeeshan Piyar Ali

To contact us:
