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"The Beginning"

Do you want to know how it all started? How I came into this accursed world? Or shall I just skip a few fading chapters and begin at the real important things? My name, as some of you may know, is Xavier Trebble. Soldier of the Canadian Special Forces. I was "sold" to the Americans by my unit leader, a very daring fellow I must admit. That places me here, in Pinnacle Web Wrestling. The man, K. K. Millen was his name I believe, thought I would become worthy to the Americans as a wrestler rather than a member of my team. While I cannot say that I do disagree, it is quite a change from my original life. Yes, in the forces unit I was trained to end men's lives, but unlike the United States military, we are never "decommissioned". Once a soldier, always a soldier as the saying goes. I don't think I shall be needing to implement that skill into this business, but the opportunity might happen to arise someday. My employer, Agent Orange, decided that I would be more of a service to this company as a member of his faction rather than freelance on my own. I have no qualms about this, however, this grip they have on power seems to be in constant struggle, and that is something I dare never allowed to be questioned. I have come to find a certain respect towards my comrades in arms, Adultman and Ethanol, as I view the history surrounding this wrestling federation. I have also took notice that the Social Enemies are not exactly throwaways either. I have to bite my tongue sometimes when I here Adultman speak of them in such terms. However, it is his choice to speak that way, therefore I cannot deny him that right. This is, after all, America.

I traveled to Leonard for the first time several weeks ago. Due to the high price they payed for me, Agent Orange saw well to it that I was treated to a tour of our "home base" if you will, and then given many a thing to welcome me to the federation. While I cannot say that I'm displeased with these results and the ideas they are built upon, I would much rather see such time and effort put towards the business, for after all, every business no matter how small, may still grow even if it is just for a bit. I made use of the personal training facility and other facets of the building before eventually returning to the place where they were now providing my shelter. I dare not go back to Canada, for the consequences for be dreadful.

Some questions have arisen inside me as I walk through the halls of the arenas we visit, and the promotions we go on. One.. is about the legend that everyone calls Tyrant. Is he with all of us? Or does his loyalty extend towards just Adultman. I care not either way, for the friend of my friend does not have to be my friend, or my enemy for that matter. But, I would rather be on the side of the devil, than in his path, as that saying goes. Another question, that lurks inside my mind is, why am I facing Davey Boone? From recent actions by my commander it seems that the man is on our side. But yet, he has seen fit to place him opposite me. Perhaps I cannot understand Orange's mind because he is simply a businessman, whereas I, am your common soldier.

So Davey, do you care to dance with me under the night sky? Do not be afraid dear child, for the pain I bring is only temporary. I extend my hand in invitation, and ask that you only take it. Fear is something you need not dear Davey Boone. For as though eternity is forever, you are not heading into the warm glow of an angel's embrace, not just yet anyway. Since you're return I've yet to see you do something that can be perceived as real, but I hope that does change. For your future looks like to be a promising one. Please consider that.

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