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Welcome everyone who is curious to know about the new arrival of this clan called SAINT. My friends and I played on dedicated servers for about a year before coming to the zone after becoming tired of server hopping. (Yes we did that for a year and did not have a server.)We played in a few clans, but they got boring and decided to do something new, and fresh. So we moved to the zone, most people dont like the zone, but personally I think its a great way to meet new people. Our webpage guy is no longer with us, he left after not wanting to go to the zone, and destroyed the old site, so here is the new one, simple but it gets the job done! King

Members that have moved over to zone include   Enigma, DarkSnow, Colossal, Ne0N, and Cardinal!





Update 5/28/03:

  • Looking for More MembersIf you want to join our clan SAINT, you can "apply" Here We are always looking for new talented players. Requirments include: Must be 16 or older, have played this game for a while and are familiar with Zone, and you cannot be a clan hopper.

Update 5/24/03:

  • We will host games for recruiting, come check us out ask for a duel!






© copyright 2003 SAINT