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Wish You Were Here

This Site is Purly the result of Turtle being bored and creating a web page. My normal webserver is down (which pisses me off to no end) but I suppose Angelfire will have to do for now. Em... this is sorta a test so we'll see what happens.
Cool beans, see you all around.

Well after further testing I see that indeed it does work. so er... have fun... lookaround. email me with commenst or questions

Cotter Homecoming Pics

This is Turtle and Yuki, her super cool super short friend from japan

This is little sue and blondie (lucy)two very cool chikas

This and the pictures following for of super Sexy Rachel. Who rocks my panties off. We did little "lesbian couple" Fights in the hallways all the time and at lunch... adn everywhere. it was good times.

Rachel being pointed at by.. someone who had a date or was cheapo and bought thier own wristy thing.

this is me and rachel, you cant tell but we are having sex.

This is a picture of lucy that i tried to lighten up and... it turned green... oh well

This is your brain on drugs... or after homecoming. ANd that is your sexy date, Theo who looks charming as ever.

This is Turtle and Lil Sue. SHe is from South Korea and kicks major brain ass on math team.

K5's kitten

kitten again!

Me and my baby, Jess. WE just keep swimming and won't drown because ...well we are just that cool ... and because Jess has lazer eyes in this picture. hehe it kinda lookslike I'm not wearing a shirt he he

K5 and Alssa are outside because the fire alarm went off... again

They are having sex... typa thing.

Alex is stoned, he just doesn't know it

Krissy is ready for bed, I'm still taking pictures

This is the TV while we watched honey. Which rocks because they dance all the time, there is a little kid with a fro, and because that one kid from Newsies is in it... only like... 30

Beep beep blooooooooo boop bluuuueeeeeeee. Thats the fire truck coming to see if Cotter is really on fire or if we are all just that danm sexy.

LOOK LOOK it got closer!

These are the firfighters laughing at me taking pictures of them.

Eathen fell over... a lot that night this is one of the times

Gernes and Rachel are drunk ... on life! HA HA ...yeah

Daliliah's back

Me taking pictues of myself at krissy's

Krissy ran away and somebody caught her

This is K5,Me, and our dates, thing two and theo

this is what I looked like... about an hour before I left the house. I am the master at getting ready fast

This was the second time the fire alarm went off and pauloooola was cold.


Alex says "touch her and you die" and he baks it up with lazer eyes

I hate Roy for anyone who didn't know. I'm only posting this picture because... i really don't know


More Aftermath

I got to take a picture with the firefights! hehe I'm a loser

Then the firefighters turned green...

Top Five Coolest Things Around

This page is boring, I'm going to...

...see the coolest picture around
...go to the Best Page in the universe (no really, it is)
Homestar Runner
... check out OddTodd, the coolest unempolied guy around
the public blog for anyone where anyone can post
Or I could just poke at this guy...