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CCNN        Version en espaņol






Peak  English

English, Baby!
English Club
The English zone
To learn English
Peak  English
Gammar bytes

English, Baby!
ESL Flow
ESL House
ESL Partyland
To learn English
Logman English
Peak  English



This is a list of Internet sites for students and teachers to be used in the Learning Resource Center; the list was designed in a way that students and teachers can make the necessary links to other web sites.  

The sites have exercises for beginners, intermediate, and advanced in the four skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing), enjoy your search.

Version en espaņol

Would you like to learn more about Nicaragua. Visiti us. Nicabook

 One of the top sites to study and look for information, teachers and students will love it, it has a frame for Basic, Intermediate and advanced students.

Site offering vocabulary, learning tips, grammar and games as well as a newsletter. The site is relatively new and limited, but I expect will grow rapidly.


English, baby! (
A very trendy to place to learn English, English, baby! Brings people around the world to America, and teaches them English based on an application model. Targeting a young audience, members have access to lessons that change daily and are based on American pop-culture such as today's hottest music and movies. Attention you will learn a lot of slang here!
 This extensive commercial English site looks quite promising. There is a well-rounded selection of tasks, communication, reference, grammar and teacher resources.

LinguaCenter Home Page
This extensive site designed by the DEIL LinguaCenter has some of the most original ideas for using the Internet to study English. Areas include, interactive listening, grammar safari, teacher resources, pen pal exchange and more. 

Longman English Language Teaching


 This site offers learning opportunities through Longman   English Language Teaching. There is an area for students and teachers providing additional materials such as quizzes, articles, links and tips, as well as links to all the companion sites which offer supplementary materials to Longman ELT's line of English Language Teaching materials. is probably the most in-depth English learning site on the Internet. Emphasis in this site is on English as it is spoken in England. The site has well-designed exercises and excellent reading and grammar sections.



English page
Excellent site for advanced learners of English and teachers. Resources include; grammar, reading, lessons, games, discussions and more. There is a lot of precise information about tense usage and a new lesson every week as well as a lesson archive. 


     The English Zone

A great non-commercial site with plenty of grammar, idiom, jokes, reading and writing and much more.

 ESL Flow
ESL Flow is a brilliant site using a flowchart metaphor. Grammar concepts are cleverly organized into functional patterns for which an impressive array of linked resources from the Web are employed. Resources are organized both for students and teachers and include grammar, speaking, dialogues, readings handouts and lesson plans.

 ESL House
Excellent site offering a wide variety of well prepared materials for both students and teachers. Resources include a media center including RealAudio presentations and difficult vocabulary explanations. There are also lesson plans and other resources for teachers.

 ESL Partyland
Fun site loaded with over 75 interactive quizzes, and 15 discussion forums for students. On the teachers side, loads of lessons and printable materials to use in class.

To Learn
To Learn English offers a wide variety of information and resources for both teachers and students including: Courses, documents, exercises, tests, cliparts, forums, chat rooms. The exercises include some excellent word jumbles with feedback. Teachers can also build their own online tests at the site. Well worth a visit.

Parlo - Language, Culture, Life 


Parlo provides instruction in English, as well as other languages. It's approach is called Virtual Immersion - integrated language instruction and exploration of international cultures. The site includes an excellent selection of materials for students as well as teachers.



Peak English

Excellent new online distance learning course, which includes  vocabulary,    reading, listening (by use of RealAudio) and grammar lessons. This online course  teaches English as it is used in the United States. 

For a limited time this course is being offered for free!

Grammar Bytes






























ESL Flow
ESL House
ESL Partyland

Logman English



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If you have any comments or suggestions please write to Teacher Norman Huerta  o