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Hey! First of all, thanks for visiting this website.

You can find designs here for blogs powered by Blogger. [Of course if you really like one design but you use Diaryland, we can help to change the codes just for you.] Besides blog templates we also do templates for's guestbooks. All the designs can be found on the designs page.

Our skins are original and hand coded by ourselves. Please do not steal or abuse the use of our skins. We've spent so much time on each of these designs and we give them to you free. So please don't steal. 

Our designs are different from what you usually see. we dare to try out weird stuff. Our designs are also more girlish. So please, if these skins are not of your liking, you can always request for a custom-made one just for you. View our request page for more details.

Once again, thanks for choosing noidsdesign. Enjoy and remember to leave us a message!