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Race to the Finish

After a quiet summer and first month back in classes, the students of Hogwarts are growing restless. Here during the elections for the position of Minister of Magic, students are beginning to take sides and the hexes begin flying. Candidates this year include the wealthy and sinister Lucius Malfoy, the well-known Amelia Bones, Amos Diggory--father of the late Cedric Diggory--who some still pity, and surprisingly, the muggleborn known by most as Tobias Johnson. The halls of Hogwarts are beginning to fill with the eager whispers of any news regarding the race. Back at 12 Grimmauld Place, which is now in Harry's possession after the death of Sirius Black, members of the Order of the Phoenix have erupted in a slight chaos. Recent developments have unearthed facts that lead to Cornelius Fudge being a Death Eater after he released Lucius Malfoy from Azkaban. Fudge, now discovered, goes into hiding, paving the way for the now "innocent" Lucius Malfoy. While the Death Eaters are quietly working to keep Malfoy ahead of the race, the members of the Order make frequent visits to Dumbledore, pleading with him to enter the race as well. In an effort to help the wizarding world spread their ideas and issues regarding the race, Fred and George Weasley have created magical journals that are all linked together so people can read each other's thoughts and exchange ideas about the elections. They have added various protection spells and can be charmed with privacy spells if someone wants only a select group of people to read their journal. These journals are available to anyone for a small fee of course, but Fred and George have created a separate batch that they have offered to certain Members of the Order and also to certain students at Hogwarts, namely, their siblings, Harry, and Hermione. It's a desperate Race to the Finish as Harry and Company fight the evils of Lord Voldemort to save the world as they know it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Race to the Finish is a Trio-Era RPG that starts in the Trio's 6th year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It is played in real time and includes both storybook AIM-type RP, as well as board threads. Keep in mind that we are all obsessed with Harry Freaking Potter, better known to us as HFP, and that we will not hesitate to turn into psycho freaks. =P Your application process begins here. Make sure you read over all of the rules as well as the entire character list, taken characters and available characters alike. Taken PBs can be found here. Looking for a Sample RP Entry? You can find the application here, it is suggested that you read through it before and after filling it out. Sample applications can be found here. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any of the mods. Mod Contact Info can be found here.