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Reviews of Justine Waddell's movies

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In this section, I will be giving my own thoughts and feelings towards the movies Justine Waddell has starred in. They will all contain: The title, the year it was released, Justine's character, a brief synopsis, my opinion, if I feel it's recomended or not and a overall thought and score.

Lets begin !

Dracula 2000

Year: 2000

Justine's role: Mary Heller/Van Helsing

Synopsis: A bunch of thieves steal a mysterious silver coffin, only to discover it's a coffin belonging to the master vampire himself, Dracula (Gerard Butler). After Dracula escapes, he comes to the city of New Orleans seeking Mary, who shares a special bond with Dracula. It's up to Matthew Van Helsing (Christopher Plummer) and his assistant Simon Shepard (Johnny Lee Miller) to save her. But there may be more to Dracula than they know.

Thoughts: Very interesting and original take on the "Dracula" genre. It has a very nice mix of horror, chills, humor and romance. Waddell and Butler have excellent chemistry together, Waddell and Miller significantly less so. Justine shines in a very layered and complex role but Gerard truly steals the show as a very hammy and overdramatic Dracula. The supporting players do a very good job too. (Especially Colleen Fitzpatrick as Mary's friend Lucy)

Only real problem is that the movie's pace is too fast, so it's really hard to get into the story. Blink and you'll miss at least 10 important scenes. There is also some commercial self-promotion, but is cleverly presented (Mary works at Virgin, get it ?).

This movie is the easiest to acquire and is recommended to anyone new to Waddell or vampire movies in general, as it's somewhat light on the gore (But still very much present)

Recomended: Yes

Overall: Good, but too fast. I give it a 8 out of 10.
