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Mr. Holland's Opus

Ephphatha!  Be Opened!

Mark 7:31-37




"We are you symphony, Mr. Holland.

We are your notes and your opus.

We are the music of your life."





To what -- or to whom -- are we "deaf" (unable or unwilling to really listen) or "mute" (unable or  unwilling to say that which is important)?

Where do we need God's healing, so that "the ears of the deaf [can be] unstopped [...and...] the tongue of the speechless sing for joy" ?


For more about the film, check out its entry at the Internet Movie Data Base.

For another look at the film in connection with the gospel, check out the entry at The Text This Week.

A great resource for connecting film with the gospel of the week is Lights, Camera... Faith!  A Movie Lectionary by Peter Malone and Rose Pacatte (published by Paulist Press).




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