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Jamie Hanson's Web Portfolio

Welcome to my online winter web portfolio. All assigments that have been listed on this webpage were completed during winter term of UNST191B, Sex Mind and the Mask (Portland State University - Professor Dr. Jamie P. Ross)

Sex Mind and the Mask

Reflection Essay
UNST Goals
How I met UNST goals
Formal #1
Formal #2
Formal #3
Formal #4
Formal #5
Smoke Signals film review
Color of Fear film review
Trask essay
Tompkins essay
Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment poem
Takaki poem
Foucalt poem
Rodney King poem
Mind Maps
Numeracy Portfolio
Photojournalism Project
Best Example of Communication
Best Example of Critical Thinking
Best Example of Ethics/Social Responsibility
Best Example of Diversity/Human Experience
