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My Stupid Webpage

(This website has recently been messing up. There are a bunch of things that I put in the webpage that aren't showing up, and there are a bunch of things that used to be here that are showing's just all messed up...

I'm always interested in what the public thinks of certain issues. Each week I will have an interesting survey for you to take part in. Put this website in your favorites list, and come back every week to vote on exciting topics. Then see how other people respond to the question. I hope you like it!

(By the way, I only recently made this page, so I don't have many surveys to choose from. But don't worry. Each week there will be a new one, so come back every week!)

(Also, I'm going to put more stuff in this website some time soon, maybe even today. Things such as: Joke Archive, Cool Links, and that type of thing. I hope you come check it out!)

get this gear!

get this gear!

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''Deep Thoughts'' by Jack Handey. Some of these seem dumb, and may make no sense at first. But if you stop and think about them, they're really funny.

Here's Some Cool Links that I Picked Out. Enjoy!

Create music, then chat in a virtural world!
Bored? Want some dumb-but-fun sites?
Want to send Instant Messages, but can't download IM?
Like the Gorilaz's music? Like free-roaming games?
One of the greatest game sites EVER!!!'s okay, i guess...
Funny answers to the question, ''Why did the chicken cross the road?''
Vote which horrible scenario is worse. I like this makes you think.
This is a cool site. It has quotes: dumb quotes, deep quotes, proverbs, that sort of thing. I like to go here when I'm bored. It's like a fortune cookie.....
Some crazy thoughst for you to ponder.
People online draw pictures, and you have to guess what they are drawing. I think this site is really fun!
Find out what your dreams mean by using the dream analyzer.
Redline Rumble! A very fun Shockwave game!
Chat in a virtual world.
I think this site is pretty funny!...well, it is funny for the easily amused...which I am....
This should keep you busy if you are esaily amused.
Like MTV's ''Big Urban Myth Show''? You might like this website.
This is the websit where I made THIS website!!! It's really an awsome site, so check it out!! =D
This is a very cool video game website. It has games with good graphics, easy controls, and great gameplay. I think any online gamer would love it.
