Welcome To WebWizardz, Inc

WebWizardz, Inc.

With Magically Affordable Quality Web Design

You Can Expand Your World Thru Modern Technology!

Your personal WebWizardz provide affordable webpage design and comprehensive business services.  Creating your online presence is just something today's business or private entrepreneurs can't afford to NOT do!

A homepage whether personal or professional - gives your readers, friends, family or potential customers their first impression of your purpose, content, layout, and/or product or service. We welcome work from private individuals, as well as professionals and businesses - both small and large. We can create and maintain your homepage, and our personalized services are affordable and cost-effective!

Affordable Quality Design

Here are few examples of some problem issues:

On-line and Off-line Marketing

  • I can't get my web site updated with new material within a respectable time frame.
  • My Web site was supposed to be completed within 2 weeks and it's been over 6 months.
  • When Changes are made to my web site they are not what.
  • I requested and usually takes another month.
  • Nobody will return my call if I have a web site issue.
  • My web site takes too long to download compared to other sites.

Do you and/or your company have any of these issues?  If so, you may want to consider WebWizardz, Inc. for your web site design and development.   Let us magically create an E-commerce site or personal page that visually delights your visitors!


We want to offer you our expertise in these areas:  

  • 99% guaranteed up-time for your Web site.
  • Website modifications done within 72 hours.
  • Search Engine submission to guarantee bottom line results.
  • Photo scanning, guest book and counters included.
  • 15 years experience developing online materials.
  • Advanced knowledge of applicable software and hardware solutions.
  • Extensive Clip Art Galleries to make your pages visually appealing
  • Complete Web Site design in a timely manner.
  • Superior Local Customer Service.

 Custom Web Design

 Web Site Re-Design

Custom Web Site DesignDo you want to share information and pictures with family and friends?  Would you love to have an internet presence of your own?  We can develop personal photo albums and web pages for as low as $50!  Additions and changes to your site provided for a low maintenance fee.

Web Site RedesignDoes your site need a touch-up or maybe a complete re-design?  We create new graphics, and if needed change your layout for easy navigation. You will be able to consult directly with the designer. This is our way to achieve the end result you expect. 

Personalized Email Signatures

Print Media (Corporate Identity)

Email Marketing WorksE-mail signatures can be personalized with favorite photos, jokes, quotes, or additional contact information including links to your personal and business websites.  Signatures can be written for special occasions, announcements, and holidays; matching an individual's personality or preference.

We are committed to helping your small business build a strong identity. From logo design, corporate Print Collateral for your Corporate Imagepackages, comprehensive marketing campaigns, corporate newsletters, marketing materials, brochures, literature systems, advertising, annual reports, stationery, fliers and business cards. (We can do personal cards too!)

On-line and Off-line MarketingOn-line Marketing
The greatest weakness a business faces is the inability to handle new competition.  We offer FREE consulting on how to generate more traffic to your site. The myth that "search engines top positions don't work unless you invest thousands of dollars per month", is just that, a Myth.  We can offer a custom tailored Marketing Strategy that will generate qualified visitors to your site.


We also provide photo scanning, catalog and thumbnail pages ~ online or on floppy disks, online research, private searches, legal, educational and professional business services.

Why Use The Internet?

You can energize your business as an e-business!!

If ever a small business had a mighty ally, it's the Internet. E-business solutions can help you market better, streamline processes, and boost efficiency and profits.

In the old days, small businesses often felt at a disadvantage compared to larger companies with more staff, equipment, and facilities. In the age of the Internet, however, a powerful presence is not dependent on any of these things. Small companies can achieve great things with comparatively little investment. The key is to suit up and dive into the world of the Internet economy. And the good news is that you don't have to start at the deep end of the pool you can add Internet benefits to your business a little at a time.

Here are a couple different ways that a small business can reap big benefits by using the Internet.

Getting your message out to a potentially global audience. The Internet is where everyone goes to shop, research, and be entertained. Every small business should have a Web site that provides information about their products and services to customers and suppliers. With a Web site, even a company with two people can make the same impression as its largest competitor worldwide, and reach a targeted audience or a potentially global market for its products and services.

Providing goods and services online. If your mother does her holiday shopping on the Internet and then goes to the office and orders all of her supplies over the Internet, that should tell you something. The odds are good that your customers or prospective customers would want to do business with you on the Internet too. Electronic commerce (e-commerce), sometimes called electronic business (e-business), is part of the vocabulary of all modern companies, regardless of size. With the right network foundation, you can offer your customers fast, secure, and reliable commerce with your company around the clock and around the globe.


Expanding your business and markets with the Internet: Small-business owners can take their companies to new heights by harnessing the power of the Internet. No matter what size, industry, or competitive landscape, any company has the power to transform its business using the Internet. Once you have the right foundation in place, there's no limit to where you can take your business.

Reason #1


Some of the e-business advantages of having a site online:

  • Increased revenues and/or profits
  • Develops a new market or expanding an existing market
  • Moves you from a local or regional market to a national or even international market
  • Gives new meaning to customer support, customer feedback, supplier relations or business partnerships

Reason #2


E-business has many forms: Every small business is a unique product of its market, resources, management, vision, competition, challenges and opportunities. Similarly, there are many possible e-business initiatives that a company can adopt, including customer care, e-commerce, financial management and so on. The question is: What is right for your business? Is your company's most important concern:

  • Connecting with customers?
  • Supporting field salespeople?
  • Increasing market share, opening new markets or bringing in new revenue?

A qualified, knowledgeable WebWizardz will be able to offer valuable guidance on e-business initiatives to match your strategy.

Reason #3

  Contact Your
Personal WebWizardz

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& How we can help You online.

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Copyright © 1998 Ms. Cheryl Linindoll-Roberts
 All Rights Reserved.
Last Update July 2005

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