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So far, my idea's for prac.

It has become apperant to me that every now and then, our defence somehow misses a guy or two and next thing you know they multiply and as we're rushing out 3 guys, our anchor is trying to fend off 3 or so by himself. the prac i propose is having a mod around, swiv will do, and have us defending a base and then have a third freq. every now and then the third freq will be warped somewhere in our base, past our defense. for this we need another anchor.. deeper at home. anyways, what this will do is give us more prac with looking at the whole base and making sure that the attack didnt pass us. awareness prac if you will. we loose a shit load of ground evertyime this happens, and we usually dont catch it all that quickly. they way to perfection is to try, and try again. for this i say we go aliasd and on the squad 'clan-x'.. many of you know what this is, and get into a large game, pick up some flags and let the nme come to us. keep defending for hours strainght.. then whenever we want to win well just rape. those are two ideas i came up with so far...

I couldnt find your email l2k, so i decided to post it. anyways let me know if this is kind of what you're looking for.