LordProtectorGuy: Oh, well this guy.
hotstocks84: hey sanjay
hotstocks84: how is it going?
LordProtectorGuy: It's going terribly.
LordProtectorGuy: My girlfriend left me.
hotstocks84: why?
hotstocks84: oh....I am sorry to hear that
LordProtectorGuy: She said she wanted to see other people.
LordProtectorGuy: But she just said that because she has been cheating on me while I was in college.
hotstocks84: well- that also means you too can see other girls
LordProtectorGuy: I only have eyes for her.
hotstocks84: well.....she is one girl of 3.1 billion out there
LordProtectorGuy: Yeah, but most of the other ones are old or ugly.
hotstocks84: not really.....you never know......it could always be worse- you could be the only living person on earth, with no one around
LordProtectorGuy: Let me tell you, nothing is worse than getting with an ugly or old woman.
LordProtectorGuy: Except ebola.
hotstocks84: what do you define as old?
LordProtectorGuy: 21.
hotstocks84: the definition of ugly is debatable
LordProtectorGuy: That's when they start to get wrinkly, dude.
hotstocks84: well.....what about middle aged people?
LordProtectorGuy: They are wrinkly.
LordProtectorGuy: They might as well be on medicare.
hotstocks84: what do you consider young?
LordProtectorGuy: Under 21.
LordProtectorGuy: But I am not a pedophile.
LordProtectorGuy: They have to be older than 17.
LordProtectorGuy: And caucasian.
hotstocks84: so....you are looking for a woman- between the ages of 17 and 21, and caucasian
hotstocks84: right?
LordProtectorGuy: I never said a woman.
hotstocks84: ummmm.....you stated that your girlfriend left, which implies you are straight by having a relationship with the member of the opposite sex
LordProtectorGuy: Stop questioning me in this moment of suffering.
hotstocks84: well....go have a milkshake
LordProtectorGuy: That's good advice, Anthony.
hotstocks84: it takes the the suffering away
hotstocks84: plus
LordProtectorGuy: And maybe I can pick a few hot dames at the milkshakery.
hotstocks84: that is a way to look at it
LordProtectorGuy: Yeah, so is "We all will die eventually, so might as well go now."
hotstocks84: pick a few hot girls and make your ex girlfriend jealous
LordProtectorGuy: Nah, she's dating Roberto Clemente.
LordProtectorGuy: He's loaded.
LordProtectorGuy: In more ways than ONE!
hotstocks84: yup....try this line on the girls--- "All your base are belong to us"
LordProtectorGuy: That's how I got my girlfriend to go out with me in the first place.
hotstocks84: well then tell them that she has "the touch"
LordProtectorGuy: I'll touch her.
hotstocks84: do not be provocative with the touch
hotstocks84: unless she is permiscuious
LordProtectorGuy: Dude, are you calling my girlfriend a slut?
LordProtectorGuy: I mean, ex girlfriend.
hotstocks84: no
hotstocks84: how would i imply that?
LordProtectorGuy: I don't know.
LordProtectorGuy: Sorry.
hotstocks84: lol
LordProtectorGuy: I am just kind of sensitive right now.
hotstocks84: well....good advice on women- ask ross
LordProtectorGuy: I did.
LordProtectorGuy: He said that the only option is to seranade the woman with song.
LordProtectorGuy: But I can't sing.
LordProtectorGuy: And I wouldn't know what song to use.
hotstocks84: ask howie
hotstocks84: navaman86 is online....he would know
LordProtectorGuy: Nah, I am too embarrased to ask Navarro.
hotstocks84: let me ask him for you
hotstocks84: hold on
hotstocks84: he said he has always been open with his friends and you do not need to feel ashamed to ask him
LordProtectorGuy: Wow, I didn't know he felt that way.
LordProtectorGuy: :-)
hotstocks84: well- ask him now
LordProtectorGuy: I did.
LordProtectorGuy: He healed me.
LordProtectorGuy: I am all better now.
LordProtectorGuy: Thank you, Anthony, for guiding me through this difficult time.
hotstocks84: no problem- what are friends for
LordProtectorGuy: Well, not lying over AIM, I'll tell you that.