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Teen Zone

Welcome to Teen Zone! A place where bored teens from any where around the world, like you, can take polls, quizzes, tests, play games, get advice, get help with homework and so much more! Check back here often for updates as we are constanting updating the site.

Also, we'd like to hear your opinion about this site! Click the button at the bottom of the page and fill it out with what you think. Tell us what you like about TZ and what you don't like.

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Click the button on the right to tell us what you think about Teen Zone!!! You can make a suggestion or criticize us too! We want to hear your opinion, whether good or bad.

get this gear!

Teen Zone was created and is run by:
Jacinta {*The Confused*}
Charlene {*The Babbled*}

"When you say sorry, mean it and don't just say it because people tell you to..."Stated by 8_*¯¥–¿~?Jacinta?~¿–¥¯*_8
