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Blue Lobster Consulting

Bullying Prevention Seminars

Portfolio Planning for New Directors

Policy Design

Portfolio Budget Assessments

Youth Program Development

Community Program Design

Advanced Super Sports Camps

Self Esteem Amateur Wrestling Camps

Self Esteem Pro Wrestling Camps

Keynotes & Workshops

Contact Information:

5228 Marshall Road N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2A 2Y9

Phone - Fax

For a Complete Package Click on the Blue Lobster



Aboriginal Workshops, Youth Camps, Community Portfolio Assessment & Design

Students working on their Posters & Anti-bullying campain.During a Workshop in Alberta. Wrestling Poster from South Korea Featuring Steve Wilde.Korean Story on SteveMorning presentation of the Bully Prevention Workshop.

Community Development Consultant, International Pro Wrestler,
Youth Workshop Speaker

Steve believes in Respect, Safety, Education . . .
and after hearing him speak at your school about his personal dealings with bullies while he went to school, you will too!

According to researchers, one in 12 children is regularly harassed, in a mid-sized school, bullying happens once every seven minutes. Across Canada 250,000 students stayed home today due to harassment at school. Through our past experience 65 % of students have witnessed, bullied other students or have been targeted in the last seven days. During the workshops, all students will be offered a copy of our free student support guide to follow along with the presenters to keep for their personal information after the workshop is completed. Feel free to contact our office and we can supply you with dates when we could offer our presentation in your school.

Facilitator Biography:

Steve Wilde is a professional speaker and the
principal of his own youth communication firm.
Steve utilizes his experience as a workshop
presenter with Can-Am Workshops & Shows, as a
presenter his main goal is to assist Schools,
organizations and parents to improve communication
for all youth of harassment." Steve has presented
numerous workshops over the past eight years in
rural, remote and metropolitan centers on a
National basis. Steve is putting a hold on his
professional sports career and dedicating his time
to speak to parents and the youth, addressing the
bullying and harassments issues in schools across

Morning Bullying Prevention Workshop)

Video Introduction
Personal story from the presenter about his
growing up a target of bullying
What does it feel like to be bullied?
Discussion about the main types of bullying
Bullying, teasing may have long term effects
Sometimes adults at teachers bully too.
What can I do if I’m being bullied?
How to stop the bullying
12 ways to defeat a bully non-violently
Learning to deal with cliques & Gangs
(Afternoon Session)

Student circle conference
Building an anti-bullying campaign
Implementing an anti bullying policy
Crime prevention

Closing Add on Message
Alcohol and drug Prevention
Negative Affects of playground wrestling
Personal & community respect issues
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Number of Students ______________________________
Grades 3 to ____________________________________
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Please email me a Complete Package Today ( Click on Email Button )
Feel free to call our workshop Coordinator @ 403-207-5615 for a no obligation quote, Thank you

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