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{{*Contest Info*}}


The first person to unscramble the words wins a prize!

The word: mkaeog
The first person with the correct answers gets:

Faerie Portrait

Bishounen&Bishoujo Program

Okay this is how it have dibs on the anime character or manga character you like. Then your name and your Bisho's name get's posted somewhere in the guild (which will be mentioned of course) or on the webbie. But you have to neomail me {Zeekttyluver4eva} or send me a email @ then I'll do everyhting from there if you have ANY questions then neomail me.

Anime Twins

This isn't a contests just to show you some similar characters in anime/manga. Whether in personality or by looks. This months twin is:
Edward (Cowboy Bebop) AND Kaolla Su (Love Hina)

Similar tanned skin-tones, and even similar personalities. Bouncy, peppy, annoying girls, always curious and in the way of things. Both are at age 13. Like long lost twin sisters!
Picture: None

RP Competition

There's a RP board that's mentioned in the guild front. The URL to it is right under the name. The competiton is hosted every Friday. The person who seems fantastic. Wins a trophy,and a cool *RANDOM* prize. You will be rated and scored the person with the top score wins. The judges will be listed here also. The RP competiton will be open at 25 members. Til then you can just RP for fun/Practice.
If you want to be updated about the RP competition and dates just check the guild's calendar. Or news.

The current judges: None yet =(

Anime Artist

Anyone who's a talented artist can send in a picture to it will be posted here!

Or at the Official site. This one is temporary until we get the O. one up.
Please be Patient!

Anime Idol

The anime that's chosen and voted by you (the members) will win it's like Anmerican Idol..but anyone can vote.
We'll start with the theme of the characters,ei: Only people that's weird...0.o as the first competiton.
Anime of the Week


Temporary--no linx!


{{*layout by WK designs. Image from*}}