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Tip of the Day :

1.  Keep your sites up!!

        A good rule of thumb is to always keep your crosshairs up.   Always remember to keep your crosshairs where your enemy is going to be coming from.  You don't want to get caught pointing at the ground when your enemy runs up on you.

2. Watch your firing mode!!

        Something you should always do when it comes to firing modes is to keep an eye on what firing mode you are on.  It is very easy to be running along in fully auto, bump the toggle, and end up being in single shot without even realizing it until it is to late.  You should always try to keep a light touch to the toggles, and remember to try not to tense up when you get into a fire fight.

         There are three firing modes,  fully auto, three shot, and single shot.   Fully auto is a good firing mode for up close fire fights for the obvious reason that you can unload a lot of bullets, but it is less accurate than the other firing modes because you gun moves a lot more.  Three shot is good for longer shots, because you gun will have a lot less movement then fully auto.   If you can perfect three shot than you are in business.  Single shot is good for those really long shots.  There is no movement in your gun when shooting in single shot.

3. Reload, Reload, Reload!!

        Something that will come with experience is reloading.  Reloading is key when using guns with smaller clips.  You don't want to be chasing your enemy down shooting, then when he realizes someone is shooting at him and he turns around, and your clip is empty, its a bad deal.  Always keep in mind how full or empty your clip is.  Once you have reloading down though you are set.

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