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*-visioN oF LifE-*
life is a mystery. we never and will never know what's in store for us untiL we get to that certain point. (i'm writing these things accdg. to my point of view.)haha continuing... i don't really know much about life yet but all i know is that everybody has problems. let it be a 1 yr old or a 70 yr old--and there's no way of getting rid of these..i have lots of problems myself.. simple and useless/senseless problems but also serious n private problems.. if you're wondering what i do about them..o well..i jz keep them in my head n try to forget about `em.. but ofcourse i can't so i live with `em. sounds weird ryt? but yeah i do.. by being life.going with the flow..blablabla...but ofcourse life ain't only about problems..tis also about having fun! having frnds! having a family who will love n care! n having ppL hu will alwayz be there.... im gLad to be in a family whose rules are just right. my parents let me feel im really a kid! they let me hang out..go have fun w/ frnds blablabla..n im also really glad to have frnds who are simply......perfect, im thankful that my frnds are alwyz here for me. when im sad oR happy or jz being weeerd.i know iM not the pers0n i seem like..n i think n hope that's a + on my part..haha o well....--[o_O]-- hiHi...                                    


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