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I Pop Pills, They Make Me Like People Like You!

So I figured that I would just put random things on here to try and annoy people.  Appearently it worked because someone TOS'd me off of AOL once again.....
Fucking childish assholes.
IF you can;t take a joke or find humor in anything then please stay the fuck off this site and continue sucking on your moms tit like the baby you are...

Photoshop/Paintshop Pic Of The Week!

and for only $1.99 more you can get a 3 month membership
to her site!

Woot Woot! Ok I added 2 more pages so far, one of links and one for the CrackWhore of the Week.  Check the links at the top of the page to go.
Ok people I need some more pics for Photoshop/Paintshop Pic of the week....
so start emailing them to me dammat!
Thanks to D3V!N for this weeks submission, and to our friend Ally for so graciously lending her beautiful face to be photoshopped!

This is the song of the week.....just to annoy the hell out of you!

Video code provided by Music Video Codes