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My eyes from the outside in...

You stumble on some pretty cool stuff when you're unemployed...

Rube Goldberg would be proud...
Photographers with actual talent
How can I get this gig??


Antique Buttons, Alameda Drunk one night, Home  Cemetary, Portland  Haight Street San Francisco  Ooh, an Edsel, Western Addition, S.F.
Restaurant and Barf, Portland Mega Car!!! Cole Valley, S.F. Out of Business,  China Basin, S.F. Graffiti Future, Mission, S.F. XX-GGEENN, Haight S.F.
Industrial S.F., China Basin Made sense at the time, Mission, S.F. Urban Outfitters, Downtown S.F. Spikes!! China Basin Puddles S.F. Oakland
Haight / Fillmore Body Shop, Hayes Valley S.F. Graffiti, Haight, S.F. Blood Lines, Portrero S.F. Here boy!! Haight S.F.
Progress... Franklin Square S.F. Lonely Table, Mission S.F. Near The Ramp China Basin S.F. Jackstand anyone? Mission S.F. Industrial S.F. II, China Basin
Holy Building, China Basin S.F. I hate dolls... Alameda Happy Lanterns, Chinatown S.F. Lines and Curves,  Mission S.F. What'd you say?? Union Square S.F.
Emergency, Portrero S.F. At-Ats, Oakland Mmmm...  Churros! Alameda Bling Bling Chess, Civic Center S.F. I'll take one... City Hall S.F.
Candid Camera, Civic Center S.F. Assurance, Cole Valley S.F. Brutality, Civic Center S.F. Draw!! Civic Center S.F. Hmm... Pier 39 S.F.