Arm Around The World







(Broad band)









Kids Praise  1

Broad band video


Kids Praise 2

Broad band video


Kids Praise 56k






Gospel Music Broad band TV


Real Church


Rutledge Family

(real audio)


Rutledge Music1



Rutledge Music2



Rutledge Music3



Rutledge Music4



Broad Band



Ren Rutledge Arms Around the World Ministry offices and studios are located in the Norwich Tabernacle half way between New York City and Boston.  All services in the Norwich Tabernacle are presented live on the internet in video and audio. We are making a strong effort to find and preserve outstanding preaching and teaching so that this generation can learn the wonderful truth that we have loved through the years. The Norwich Tabernacle is also a recording studio and broadcast center using cutting edge technology to promote the truth in our day.  We are available to all people of truth regardless of organizational ties.  If you are Jesus Name One God Holy Ghost filled and if you desire to do something in our world to reach the lost, please introduce yourself, and be our partner for the cause.


Preaching, Singing,

and Shouting 

with Ren Rutledge!


Broadcasting  24/7 (Audio) from the Church featuring "live" services from the Norwich Tabernacle.

Click here to listen to Arms Around The World on LIVE 365






The internet is filled with the work of  creative minds, and millions of people are joining in daily in a search for good things to discover on the web. Unfortunately there is so much ungodly trash, that  many have become discouraged as they have searched for good sites. Some of my friends have even said that they will not even look at the internet and will not get involved in anything to do with it because of the  filthy junk on the web.  I understand this, and certainly agree that the internet is a reflection of the wicked world that we live in.  Jesus has taught us that the field is the world, and he has commissioned us to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. 

 I see the internet as a tremendous opportunity for the work of God, and I see it as  a tool to help  millions of searching souls around the world   to find the answer to all struggles.  I am being mightily blessed in this ministry as I witness people from all over the world discovering for the first time the wonderful truth that will set them free.

With the help of the Lord, we hope to place this open door of  GOOD NEWS  in front of searching people all over the web.  Multiplied millions  are enjoying looking for new things and trying to learn more about their computers and the internet.  The truth is here  for them. Recently we have seen many people discover Jesus here, and we are having a Holy Ghost revival right here on the internet.  I  have already baptized dozens in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ since I followed the Lord into this tremendous field.  Most of these that we have baptized discovered the truth here on the internet in our Pal talk  chat ministry in the room that we created a couple of years back known as ARMS AROUND THE WORLD

 Almost every week we pray with people as they are receiving the Holy Ghost in front of their computers.  Many have traveled a great distance by air, bus, train, and automobile to be baptized in the wonderful Name of Jesus. God is in this, and we are really excited.. We have been broadcasting on the internet  24/7 and having church. We get mail from all over the world and often we weep as we read about the tremendous impact of this ministry especially for those who are living in remote places where there is no Church and no Christian radio stations.  The broadcast has a regular listening audience in prisons where people are hearing the truth as they serve time.  Some prisons are playing  this broadcast on small transmitters  and inviting inmates to tune in regularly. 

 We have had reports of people receiving the Holy Ghost in prison after being converted  through this ministry.  One minister in the state of Indiana told us that he baptized a lady in the prison who had been listening to the broadcast, and that she requested that he baptize her in the name of Jesus.  This minister told us that he was glad to do this even though he had never baptized anyone in the name of  Jesus,  because he had been listening to the messages and services coming from our Church also and was glad to baptize her in the name of Jesus.  He reported that the lady received the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues which was something else that he had never witnessed.  This all happened right there in a prison where several thousand people have become a captive audience. God only knows where all this is going.  We are hearing of people who have found the broadcast and they are linking into it and playing our programs over night on small radio stations in other countries.

  I am so excited about this opportunity that I can hardly sleep at night.  I am up at all hours just loving it. Now that we also own and manage the Apostolic network we have about two hundred thousand visits to our web sites every month.  Pray for this ministry and get involved with us. We are a team ministry, and we are here for all people of God who are interested in presenting truth to the billions of  lost souls on planet Earth.

If you are searching for answers, and if you are sincere, please keep searching through these testimonies, songs, and lessons. The end result can bring happiness beyond your greatest dreams. Some of the things we say may be different than what you expected.  Stay with us. We are sincere, and you will be blessed. up by the consistent teachings of the Bible.  


Norwich Tabernacle is the home of the Apostolic Network providing hosting, web site development, and low cost internet service.  If you are looking to expand your internet presence and if you need our services please feel free to contact us twenty four hours a day. 

Inspirational Broadcasting


Arms Around The World

Apostolic Preaching

Bill & Judy Bradley

Camp Meeting Time

Christian Hope

Christian Talk

Gospel Music Time

Heart Praise 

Jesus Cares

Kids Praise Club

Bro Mike & Sis Jennifer

Norwich Christian Radio

Preachin' Singin' Shoutin'

Ren Rutledge Broadcast

Rutledge Family Through The Years




Watch Norwich Tabernacle Now.  Press the play button on the player.





Here is an awesome cd filled with more than eighty hours of powerful preaching.


Many of the messages were preached in various meetings thirty and forty years ago by outstanding ministers who fought a good fight and kept the faith right up until they went home to be with Jesus.

Click here for more information..


Click here to go to a website filled with awesome preaching



Click here to check tapes and cds now available for you



I am looking for old preaching tapes from apostolic ministers.


These tapes will be made

available on the internet as soon as I can post them.  If you have old tapes from  Apostolic  ministers We really want to hear from you.  We are off to a good start already, and many have written and expressed that they are being blessed by the messages that are already posted.  Please Send your messages from out of the past.   I will digitally preserve them and add them to this  fast growing library of streaming preaching online. 



Fill this sight up with TRUTH



Ren Rutledge

PO Box 201

Norwich, CT. 06360


EMAIL any questions  



 Christ Is The Answer Fellowship



 Are you tired of being lied to by preachers and teachers of false doctrines? Click here.


Apostolic Preaching


Video from UPCI General Conference 2002


Acts 2:38


Gospel Music Time

Camp Meeting 


The camp meeting for June 2003 has been cancelled

 The Next Scheduled Indoor Camp is scheduled for June 2004.  Details will be announced soon

 Camp Meeting Video


AWCF 2003 WORLD CONGRESS -- audio of entire conference ALL THREE DAYS AND NIGHTS 



AWCF video

 Click And See

Norwich Tabernacle

Arms World Broadcast



Enduring Mercy



Broad band video



Ren Rutledge has written hundreds of songs and made them available for friends around the world. 


Listen here or

click on the following links

to find many songs and CDs that are available at this time. 

 Ren Rutledge



Many people are finding truth for the first time as they listen to the preaching and teaching on these web sites.  Please pray for us as we continue to go forward in the name of the Lord and for the cause of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.  If you are an Apostolic truth person, and if you wish to reach souls on the internet, we are more than willing to do what we can to assist you.  There are many tools available for ministry.  Please feel free to contact me if you need help to get started.  We will be glad to help you to get started.  If you have a computer, and if you are on the internet, there are ways that you can reach the lost with the Good News in the uttermost parts of the world


Ren Rutledge Ministries

PO Box 201

Norwich, CT. USA 06360

Telephone 860-823-1953





Ren Rutledge] [Preaching] [Singing] [Shouting] [Links] [Feedback]

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