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Hi can you please fix my gravity bind warrior deck

Ok your decks looks like it needs some work lets see what we can do to spruce it up a bit.......


1X Freed(warrior here they comes)
1X Fiber(can get out of jams)
1X Cyber(see fiber)
1X Yata(Scary card)
1X Injection Fairy(no monster is better)
2X Marauding(2 summon for price of 1)
3X Hayabusa (main attacker)
1X Magician of faith (bring back equip)
1X Exiled Force (free tribute to the doom)
1X Sasuke Samurai (no face down monster)
1X Giant Soldier of Stone (good attack and def for a 3 star)
1X Penguin Soldier (clear the field)

Magic (18)

1X Monster Reborn
1X change of heart
1x Pot of greed
1X Dark hole
1X Harpies feather
1X Sword of R (for setting up a last attack)
1X Prematural burial(Exiled Force here I come)
1X confiscation (great with Yata)
1X united(hayabusa ammo)
1X Mage Power (see united)
2X Axe of Despair (see mage power)
1X Graceful Charity
2X Warrior returning alive (see Premature)
2X renforcement of the army (marauding combo)
1X scapegoat (ammo for united)

Trap (8)

1X call of ..
1X Mirror force
1X Imperial order
1X magic Cylinder (sure attack to kill yourself)
3X gravity Bind (without them this deck dont belongs)
1X Bottomless Trap

total 41


1x Sangan
1x Mystic Tomato
1x Goblin Attack Force
1x sinister serpent
1x Witch of the black forest

1X Freed the matchless General
1X Fiber Jar
1x D.D Warrior Lady
1X Injection Fairy lily
2X Marauding Captian
3X Hyabusa 
1x Don Zaloog
1X Exiled Force
2x spirit Reaper
1X Penguin Soldier

1X Monster Reborn
1x Raigeki
1X change of heart
1x Pot of greed
1X Dark hole
1X Harpies feather
1X Sword of Reveling light
1X Premature burial
1X reinforcement of the army
3X Axe of Despair
1X Warrior returning alive
1X Graceful Charity


1X call of the haunted
1X Mirror force
1X Imperial order
1x Waboku
1x torrential tribute
1X magic Cylinder
3X gravity Bind

41 cards ----- Ok this was a hard deck to make warrior/gravity Bind not an easy thing. If I took out something you will die with out side deck it. I tried to make it as playable as possible. You really did not run anything that was good for offence except Injection. This is a really hard deck while not my first suggestion oh well it is your choice and my job is to fix it. So here you go. Ok to explain my fixes. I took out a lot and for good reasons. All the Equips you had are too slow Axe is one of the best 1000 no ?'s asked. With all of the others you need s/t or monsters so not the best choice there. I also ditched Yata for the fact you need a deck around it to work and you just do not have room for the right stuff. Pretty much I took out Magician of faith, Sasuke and Cyber for the fact they will rarely help. You have 2 maurding for speed and giving your opponents monsters can be bad and you got fiber. I also took out Giant soldier guy for the fact I added in 2 reapers for better protection.


Hope you like the fix any ?'s comments or concerns post it on the board or email me @