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Xample is a Street Racing team

2Fast 2Furious


The Summer is here!

Like every summer the races spring from day one.  With the warm weather, ladies, and the need for speed; the streets explode with the sound of well tuned rides of all kinds.

Go outside and feel the rush of street racing!

2Fast 2Furious out June 6th

The sequel to the best racing movie ever released is speeding to theaters near you on June 6th in USA.  The movie is to be packed with action on and off the streets.  It has sweet new rides like the Mitsubishi Lancer pictured on the left.


To learn more about the new movie please visit the official website at:

New games out;

New games are out such as Midnight Club II, Colin McRae Rally and GTA: Vice City for the PC.  Click here to learn more about these games.





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