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Hi! I'm here to tell you how fortunate you are! That's right. You are fortunate, because you are about to read something that will change the way you view the internet.

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Most people use the internet to keep up with family and friends. Some use it to check the news, weather, or sports scores. Some use it for research and education. Those are all great uses of the internet. Now, I'm about to show you a WONDERFUL use of the internet that you may not know about! You can use the internet to make money! Is that how you are using it? If so, you have already discovered how fun and easy it can be to make money online. If you aren't, then I'm here to show you how! (See. I told you you were fortunate.)


First of all, I want you to think about yourself for a moment. You are unique! All of us are. We all know things that other people do not. Some of these things are things others would like to know. In fact, they would be willing to pay you money for something you know! Think about it. If you wanted to learn to cook, what would you do? You would find the information needed to learn how to cook, right? What if you knew how to cook and someone else wanted to learn? Don't you think that person would come to you for your knowledge on cooking? Sure they would! So, the question is, what do you know?

Are you a fisherman? Don't you think others wanting to fish would benifit from your knowledge on the subject?

Maybe you know how to play a musical instrument. Many would love to be able to play as well.

Maybe you know some ways to save money. Everyone could benefit from that! So what's to stop you from writing some money-saving tips for others to read?

Perhaps you don't know where to start.

Well, like I said, you are fortunate! I have everything you need to get started RIGHT NOW!!!

Introducing the Publish Your Knowledge Power Pack!!!

This package contains 6 ebooks that will teach you everything you need to know in order to write, advertise, and sell your knowledge! You will learn how to come up with an idea for your own ebook! You will learn how to write it. You will learn how to build your own web site so you can present your ebook to the public. You will also learn how to accept payment so you can be rewarded for sharing your knowledge!

You may be asking, "Why an ebook?" Well, with an ebook, there is no shipping cost. The buyer downloads the ebook right after payment is confirmed! There is absolutely no overhead expense! The product is digital, which means you don't have to have a place to store your book. It's all on your computer!

The package includes:

"Self-Publish at the Speed of Thought"

"A Cheap and Easy Guide to Self-Publishing eBooks"

"Build Your Own Web Site"

"Domain Name Search Tool"

"Pay-Per-Click Commando"

"7 Secrets to Unlimited Traffic"

You get all of this in one amazing package for the low, one-time cost of just $19.95!!!

The package pays for itself with the sale of just one or two of your ebooks!

Think about it. Let's say you write an ebook about car repair. You decide that a price of $15 is reasonable for this ebook. Then, by using the information in the package, you begin getting visitors to your web site. Let's just say that you make, on an average, 2 sales per day. That's an extra $210 a week in your pocket my friend! That's $840 extra per month!!! What if you did better? What if you begin getting more visitors to your site? What if you started to average 3 sales a day? That's $1,260 per month!!! What if you began to apply the information in the package and recieved more hits to your site each day? Let's say you average 5 sales a day. That's $2,100 per month!!! Not bad for writing a little ebook about something you know about and selling it for a reasonable price. Think of what could happen if you wrote more than one ebook! You can! All you need to do so is in the "Publish Your Knowledge Power Pack"!!!

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Like I said. You are fortunate! You have found a new way to look at the internet! You have found a quick and easy way to make money with your computer from the comfort of your own home. It's up to you to take advantage of it!

You also get a special bonus just for visiting my site!!!

I have a FREE ebook for you! This is my way of saying "Thanks for visiting my site!" It is called:

"1,001 Newbie-Friendly Tips"

It is free for you to download! Simply right-click on the title above and choose "save target as...".

So. If you want to take advantage of this AMAZING OFFER and make money for what you already know, click the link below. It will take you to the site to purchase the "Publish Your Knowledge Power Pack", which includes all you need to begin making money online right away! You can use your paypal account or you can pay by credit card. Once you purchase it, you will be able to download it right away! You can get started in less than 5 minutes from now!!!


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