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Wicked Purple Rituals

Regulation ideas - subject to change based on popularity

Fire Candy and Mint

Grudge List
Bounty List
Character Bios
Mounts & Familiars Info
Hints and Cheats
Secondary Characters
Clan Words

Well, here's is where our clan hall constitution will be when it's finished! Give the mistresses suggestions on what you'd like to see on it, please!

Keep us posted on your enemies/grudge lists, and what clan members would like to be bountied and at what level. Also, which clan members are willing to create bounties for the benefits of other clan members.

If you'd like a picture of your character to be posted - send one of your chosing to your mistresses, or hire Dargh or Jack Sperrow to make one for you ;) But the bio's you'll have to make for yourself!

emailDarghor Eva with suggestions and information on your character.