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The Official Website For
"Project Writers Unite"

My name is James Brown, Jr. I am the Founder of a new writers club here in the Bay Area called "Project Writers Unite". If you have ever written anything in your life or you wanted to, this is the group for you!!!! Project Writers Unite (PWU) welcomes writers from all creative writing mediums playwrights, screenwriters, poets, novelist, short story writer, lyricist, etc.

This club is here to develop an open, non-threatening environment for all writers to create beautiful works as well as to be a resource for those looking for collaborators for joint works, and to help share your work(s) with the world.

We meet every 3rd Monday of the month
James Brown, Jr.'s House
2676 76th Avenue, Oakland.

Some street parking available.
Doors open at 7pm, Meetings begins 7:15pm.

NOTE: Visit Our {General Announcements} For A Special Announcement!!!

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This Site Was Updated For:
The Year 2009