//boys speak in rhythm//                                                                                                                 \\and girls in code\\

jake00203: you need to be snuggled and held down
x0xshaylax0x: so i have a perfect aim for your balls
x0xshaylax0x: w/ my knee?

.:July 23, 2003:.

baby boy you stay on my mind
fulfill my fantasy
i think about you all the time i see you in my



+silverchair - ana's song+

please die ana
for as long as you're here we're not
you make the sound of laughter
and sharpened nails seem softer
and i need you now somehow
and i need you now somehow
open fire on the needs designed
on my knees for you
open fire on my needs designed
what i need from you
imagine pageant
in my head the flesh seems thicker
sandpaper tears corrode the film
and i need you now somehow
and i need you now somehow
and you're my obsession
i love you to the bones
and ana wrecks your life
like an anorexia life

July 17, 2003

[[alkaline trio - blue in the face]]

boy the world can be a lonely place sometimes.

i got a mood ring tonight, very exciting stuff. the colors have changed about 50 times already. _____________________________________

~*~* NAMES *~*~
1.What is your real, full name? Shayla May
2.What other names were your parents thinking about for you? just shayla
3.If you had been born of the opposite gender, what was your name going to be (according to your parents)? Mouhammed
4. What does your name mean (if you know)? a rose in spanish
5. Do you like your name? it works
6. Do you know anyone else with your name? a fat black woman at mcdonalds
7. If you could change your name, what would it be to? jasmine?!?! lol ha
8. What is coolest name of someone you know? Daydreanna so me!
9. The wierdest? apollo
10. The plainest/ugliest? anne
11. What is your favorite weapon? my mase
12. What is your favorite genre of book? i love the great gatsby, so whatever that fits into
13. What is your favorite planet? saturn
14. Your favorite type of sandwich? chicken teriyaki from subway aka sweet ass
15. How about your favorite role playing game (if you play them)? me, my man & a little forced entry lol
16. Your favorite play? (No, not movie or TV show, PLAY) phantom of the opera
17. Favorite joke? im not a big joke teller, i find making an ass of myself works just fine
18. Favorite color of clothing on you? light pink & white
19. Favorite fruit juice flavor? cherry/grape
20. What's your favorite thing to look up online? i cant really lie on this one, everyone knows its porn
21. Do you know anyone who drinks underage (if yes, how many)? like everyone?
22. Smokes (if yes, how many)? none
23. Does drugs (if yes, how many)? none
24. Lost their virginity before being married? yes
25. Worships the devil? no
26. Has had their life threatened? yes
27. Do you know anyone who hates slurpees? Me neither.
28. Give a rough estimate of how many people you know. i couldnt possibly
29. Now how many of them are your friends? around 2, lol
30. Where are the majority of your friends from (i.e. sports, school)? im their pimp
31. Eat bugs purposely? no
32. Commit a crime? ..maybe..
33. Change your religion? i think all religions are about the same
34. Lie to your parents? yes
35. Jump over a waterfall? if it was safe
36. Change clothes in front of an open window? no, you gotta pay to see dis baby
37. Dress up as the opposite sex for an important event? sure
38. Go out at night dressed in something like a black trenchoat and sunglasses? umm
39. Sing a harmonized duet in front of 500 strangers? sure
40. Tell someone that you liked them if they were much older than you? yes
41. Lied to your parents about something really important? ofc
42. Have your life threatened? yes
43. Stumbled across FBI secrets online? no
44. Stayed up until the morning light talking online? oh yes
45. Made people give you really wierd glances? If yes, how? i drew a black mustach on my face at a bowling ally when i was like 13, while holding open the door asking people for tips w/ a friend. people complained and we got thrown out
46. Read a Shakespeare play? yes
47. Talked in your sleep? What did you say? my friend sais i moan, i am so hot tho so maybe she was just dreaming of me moaning?
48. Sung at a kareoke bar? i’ve been but not sang
49. Looked something up online your parents specifically told you not to look up? who hasn’t
50. Been run over... with a bike? no lol
51. Number one on your hit list? WHOPPER_QUEEN AKA FAT HAGGY
52. On your aol instant messaging list (Give screen names and real names, if possible)? too many to list, sorry
53. The person you talk to most online? jake/melissa
54. The person you talk to least online? JOSH but if we never talk again its ok because apparently friends dont talk anyway
55. The person who calls you ever other day? jeremy
56. Is there anyone that dumped you when you most needed them? nope
57. The last person you talked to on the phone with? jeremy
58. The person/people you're with the most? jeremy / my sexy computer
59. Never home? i wanna get dirtayyyyy
60. Always home?
~*~*THIS OR THAT*~*~
61. Mulan or Moulin Rouge? mulan
62. 7 Up or Dr. Pepper? dr. pepper
63. Hamsters or Gerbils? hampster
64. Rats or Mice? mice
65. The Swings or the Slide? wow both, how can you ask a girl to choose?
66. Rollercoaster or Merry-Go-Round? rollercoaster
67. Sneakers, Sandals, or No Shoes? sandals
68. Italian or Mexican food? italian
69. Fast Food or Sit Down Restaurant? sit down
70. The Sun or the Moon? moon, so romantic
71. What's your favorite quote about love? i dont have one, love sucks 99.9 percent of the time anyway
72. Favorite quote about friends?
73. How about about life?
74. What's your favorite humorous quote? enough!!!
75. How about the quote that makes you go, "Hmm..."?
76. The quote that makes you go, "To true, to true." “omg im going to kill you”
77. What's your favorite swear word? fuck
78. What's your favorite non-swear word?’s i know
79. What's your favorite thing to do on a cold day? snuggle
80. How about your favorite thing to do on a hot day? sit infront of a fan & snuggle
81. Are there any shoes in the room? nope
82. Underwear? nope
83. Dishes, glasses, forks, spoons etc? nope
84. Something unidentifiable that is very nasty looking? nope
85. Money? yes
86. A TV? yes
87. Is there a fan in the room with you? yes
89. How about a blanket? yes
90. What colors are the walls and the floor? white & brown/gray
91. In how many languages can you say "Goodbye?" 3
92. And how many of those can you actually spell? 3
93. What's your favorite way of ending a letter? (ie Sincerely, love from) love always
94. Who's the last person you said goodbye to you, and where were they going? i cant even think
95. Is there any wierd way you say goodbye (ie Night, Smooches) nite
96. How do you end internet conversations? sweet dreams
97. Do you realize I'm just stalling to get to 100? no shiat
98. Have you ever seen any of these questions on any other survey before? yes
99. On a scale from 1-10, 1 being the worst, what would you rate this? 8
100. Say a nice word to the people you are sending this to, or who you recieved it from: much <3

jake00203: you could be don king
jake00203: and you would be so beautiful
jake00203: ill give you till next week to send the pic
Daydreanna: ahahaha
Daydreanna: oh thank you lord
jake00203: is that deadline ok?
Daydreanna: then what happens
jake00203: i come get one myself?
Daydreanna: eek
jake00203: oh and its a nude!
Daydreanna: rape!
jake00203: pretty much
Daydreanna: plz jake plz plz boy
Daydreanna: u aint gettin shit

July 16, 2003

im grumpy just like that bear. i miss my boyfriend and life pretty much sucks right now. i want a digi cam too, waaaa.
on another note..

:::10 bands you’ve been listening to lately::
unwritten law, i <3 them. thank you melissa. i <3 you too. alice in chains, incubus, sublime, taking back sunday, smashing pumpkins, jewel, garth brooks. get up kids & ofc system.

:::09 things you look forward to:::
meeting people, parties, going places, boys, girls, money, getting pretty.

:::8 things you like to wear:::
bracelets, jeans, my butterfly sandals, garth brooks oh baby.
:::07 things that annoy you:::
people who talk about how much they can drink, people who think they are so much crazier then everyone else, girls who swear they are hot.

:::06 things you touch everyday:::
cd's, my face, remote, im so wild.

:::05 things you do everyday:::
well i always make time for sitting?

::: 04 people you want to spend more time with:::
everyone in my life i like.

:::03 movies you could watch over and over again:::
sweet november, how about just 1 three times.

:::02 of your favorite songs at the moment:::
[[unwritten law - seein red]] [[incubus - 11 am]] [[garth brooks - the thunder rolls]] lol yea. i know.

:::01 person that you could spend the rest of your life with:::
someone genuine, sadly i dont meet enough people like that.

hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot oh man hot.

what is your name: Shayla
what is your middle name: may
what are your nick names: i dont have any nicknames...although, i have been called a major bitch
what are your screen names: Daydreanna
when is your birthday: february 2nd
how old are you: 20
how tall are you: 5'7
what color are your eyes: dark brown
what color is your hair: i just died it, chocolate cherry
nationality: norwegian, swedish, arabic
do you have siblings: nope
who is your role model: i don't have one
do you have any piercings: my ears are pierced six times....and...i have my tounge
do you have any tattoos: nope
what size shoe are you: 9
what size ring are you: 8
what do you do best: breathe? um...i dont know.....make people laugh.
what makes you cry and why: lots of things make me cry for their various reasons
what makes you happy: happiness
Q. Have you ever
have you ever been loved: i think so..once upon a time
have you ever kissed someone: yes
have you ever smoked: no
have you ever been arrested: no
have you ever seen a star: a star?
have you ever drank: yes
have you ever cried: yeah
Q. Relationships
do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: maybe..just maybe
do you have a crush: i dont do crushes anymore
if yes, who are they: as stated above, i dont do crushes
do you believe in love: yes
what was your longest relationship: 7 months and some odd days
what was your shortest relationship: 1 hour lol
have you ever cheated on someone: never
what is the best thing about love: showing that person that you love them and knowing that they love you back
what is the worst thing about love: not being able to be there for them the way you most want to be
what is right next to you? a diet coke
what is your computer desk made of? um....some......thing.....its hard to explain.
what are the last four digits of ur phone number? 1-900, oh wait those are the first
what was the last thing you ate? cheerios
do you like snow, sun, or rain? i love them all, but snow and rain especially
talked to on the phone? my mom
what's the sexiest thing that you find in the opposite sex? trusting eyes
how do you eat an oreo? in pieces...top first, then the cream..then the bottom.
what's the best advice given to you? everything is meant to be
what do you want to be when you grow up? i am not sure.. im really just trying to make it thru today
what is your favorite food? pizza w/ extra cheese. i <3 it.
what's your favorite month? february & october
are you too shy to ask someone out? no
what's your favorite name brand? diesel, hurley & roxy
what is the stupidest thing you've ever done? trust people
what is your first daughter's name going to be? its top secret
day or night? night
summer or winter? fall
hugs or kisses? can i have both please?
do you get a tan only in summer? no
do you have big ears? no
do you like to give advice? when its needed & going to be helpful, otherwise its just taken the wrong way
are you a daydreamer? sometimes
In the past week, have you...?
cried? yes
cut your hair? yes
been mean? yes
been sarcastic? yes
gone for a walk? yes
gone out for dinner? yes
meet someone new? yes
talked to an ex? no
missed an ex? no
missed someone? yes
hugged someone? yes
danced with someone? no :(

i love these questionaire things, theyre so rad.

adopt a carebear

Name: shayla
Age: 20
Hobbies: wasting my life away online.

who can i turn to when nobody needs me? my heart wants to know and so i must go where destiny leads me. with no star to guide me and no one beside me, i'll go on my way and, after the day, the darkness will hide me. and maybe tomorrow i'll find what i'm after i'll throw off my sorrow, beg, steal, or borrow my share of laughter. with you i could learn to, with you what a new day but who can i turn to if you turn away?

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