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Onfire Christian is an eMinistry focused on equipping the Christian with unique tracts, techniques, and training for biblical evangelism. Everything will be provided for free. You can use anything on this website for God's glory. 


+ Sold Out 4 Jesus +
 Mission Statement

Give a soldier a feather duster, he'll have no courage in combat. Give him biblical training and supernatural weaponry, he'll have boldness in battle -- ready and willing to sacrifice himself for his faith in Jesus Christ.

  • To seek and save the lost, using the 10 commandments to reveal sin and the necessity for a Savior. [Luke 19:10/Ps. 19:7/Rom 3:20] 
  • To use the law properly to bring sinners to Christ. [1Tim 1:8-9/Gal 3:24] 
  • To preach the Gospel to everyone, everywhere. [Mark 16:15] 
  • To warn the lost to flee from the wrath to come. [Luke 3:7] 
  • To announce the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. [Matt 10:7] 
  • To train and equip Christians with spiritual weapons in order to spread, share, distribute and defend the Gospel of Jesus Christ -- in season and out of season. [Matt 28:19/2 Tim 4:2] 

"Oh my friends, we are loaded down with countless church activities, while the real work of the church, that of evangelizing the world and winning the lost, is almost entirely neglected!" -Oswald J. Smith



         :: Study the Word daily and live out Christ :: 

                [WWJD = Walk With Jesus Daily]


  • Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman who needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. -2 Timothy 2:15 

  • We know what real love is because Christ gave up his life for us. And so we also ought to give up our lives for our Christian brothers and sisters. -1 John 3:16, NLT

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3 Life Challenging Audios:

#1 Soundly Saved

  • Download (40.3MB)
  • After hearing this message, you will want to share this with your family, friends, co-workers, and everyone you meet. 
  • Kirk Cameron, who played Mike Seaver on the hit ABC sitcom Growing Pains, shares his testimony on how God saved him. 
  • Duplication is highly encouraged.
  • Copy it onto a CD for free or buy 10 professionally packaged CD's for $1.50 each at Livingwaters.com's online store.

#2 Just One Person : George Street

  • Download (1.51MB)

  • You will be inspired and amazed at what God can do with anyone who loves Him. 
  • After listening to this, your walk with Christ will be radically changed.

#3 Bill Wiese : 30 minutes in Hell 

>>> Download @ Onfire Christian <<<
  • This message will radically deepen your understanding of God's grace, not wanting us to go to hell.
  • Get ready! It's going to rock your world.

:: Kung-Fu Scriptures ::

"Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil."-Ephesians 6:10

"God's commandments are given to enhance our lives rather than restrict them...Instead of weighing us down, they protect us from the burden of sin." -Our Daily Bread, 23 January 2004

"For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome." -1 John 5:3

"Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord." -1 Corinthians 15:58 

"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize." -1 Corinthians 24-27

"Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life." -1 Timothy 6:12

"Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. -Matthew 10:16

"Not flinching or dodging in the slightest before the opposition. Don't be intimidated by your enemies. Your courage and unity will show them what they're up against: defeat for them, victory for you--and both because of God. This is a sign to them that they will be destroyed, but that you will be saved--and that by God. -Philippians 1:28, MSG/NLT/NIV

"Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight: not as one who beats the air. But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified."  "I don't know about you, but I'm running hard for the finish line. I'm giving it everything I've got. No sloppy living for me! I'm staying alert and in top condition. I'm not going to get caught napping, telling everyone else all about it and then missing out myself." -1 Corinthians 9:26-27, NKJV/MSG

"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled." -2Cor 10:3-6

"Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven." -Luke 10:20 

Let's learn from the Master Shepard -- Jesus Christ.

"For you have been given not only the privilege of trusting in Christ but also the privilege of suffering for him." -Philippians 1:29, NLT 

"The way of the LORD is strength to the upright." -Proverbs 10:29


Who is the Church? The church is the body of believers. That's all born-again believers (Christians).
  • Body of believers assembled for Christian worship (Acts 15:4; 1Cor 1:2) as well as all the redeemed of the ages who belong to Christ (Gal. 1:13; Eph 5:27;).
  • The word church is a translation of a Greek term, which means "assembly." Christ is head of His Church body. 
  • The Church's mission is to win the lost (Luke 4:18) and minister to others in the world.
  • The Pastor-Teacher shepherds the Christian in the path of righteousness and feeds the flock with the food of God's Word. Christians go out and make disciples. Shepherds do not beget sheep. The sheep beget sheep. "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations...(Matthew 28:19)."
Smoking or Non-Smoking? Ticket to Hell or Heaven?
A Powerful Paper Illustration of the Gospel.
A Powerful Witnessing Tool. 

Tear a Summary of the Gospel: Learn how to tear an ordinary sheet of paper into a visual summary of the Gospel. This is an excellent way to conclude a time of witnessing to someone. (To see pictures in how to do this -- please visit Onfire Christian website in the tracts section.) 

Get a sheet of paper. This may seem complex, but it is very simple. Fold the paper, from the top, down one third. You should now have a square piece in your hand.
Fold the left top corner into the middle and crease it down. Fold the right corner down and crease it, as though you are making a paper plane. You should now have something that looks like a house with a pointed roof.
Continue making a plane by folding the paper in half. Crease it down the center. You should now have something that looks like a paper plane before you fold the wings down. Now turn the point of the plane toward the ground, with the shorter edge to your left. Starting at the top left side, place your thumbs and fore-fingers a little more than a third across to the right, and carefully tear downwards in a straight line, until you have torn the piece off altogether.
Place the torn piece on a table where it won't blow away. Then rip off another (little more than a third), vertically (rip it as straight as you can). Place this piece with the other, then put the remaining (long) piece on the table, away from the other two strips. Now open the two pieces, and carefully make them into letters. You will find two "L's," and the other pieces of paper will form the letters "E" and "H." When you put them all together, you will have the word "HELL". The remaining long piece, when opened, will form a perfect cross.
Here is the story that goes with this:
A Christian was once talking to an atheist and someone who went to church. The atheist said he didn't believe in God, Heaven, Hell, the Cross (as you are telling this story, begin folding the paper). The Christian warned him that he would have to face God whether he believed in Him or not. The church-goer said he believed everything the Bible said, but he hadn't repented as yet.

While the Christian pleaded with them both, a truck came around the corner, up onto the sidewalk and killed all three of them.

As they stood before the Judgment Throne of God, the ex-atheist looked down and saw a piece of paper in the Christian's hand. He said, "That's a ticket to get into Heaven, give it to me!" The Christian said, "I'll tell you what I will do. I will give a third of the ticket to each of you" (this is where you tear off the two strips, and place the longer one away from them. Then you pick up the two pieces) and say, "So they took their tickets, and gave them to God. He said, 'Let's see where the tickets say you are to go.'" As you open them, they spell the word "HELL."

Then you say, "The Christian walked up to the Throne and gave his one third of the ticket to God, Who said, "The only way to get in, is the way of the Cross," and you open the third piece, revealing the Cross.

This is an excellent way to conclude a time of witnessing to someone, as it sums up visually what you have been saying. If they die in their sins, and face the Law, God will give them Eternal Justice and they will end up in Hell. If they shelter in the Cross, He will give them mercy, and everlasting life.

Bold Statements of CH Spurgeon 

I heard the quote, "Have you no wish for others to be saved? Then you are not saved yourself. Be sure of that" and it gave me a new appetite for statements that leave no room for the flesh to glory.

Honestly, some of Surgeon's stuff makes me scratch my head. I have to re-read it slower out loud and I'm still left scratching my head. But when the Holy Spirit points out something - my soul receives a good punch in the side and I am awakened from my spiritual daydreaming. 

It's like a splash of cold water on your face on a hot summer day. Spirit-inspired thoughts are refreshing and recharging to your soul. 

May the Lord bless you as you read these quotes.

Have you no wish for others to be saved? Then you are not saved yourself. Be sure of that.
When a man who professes to be converted says that he goes into the world and into sin for pleasure, it is as if an angel went to hell for enjoyment.
Is sin so luscious that you will burn in hell forever for it?
There is no water so deep but fish will swim in it, no pond so foul but frogs will live in it, no mire so filthy but swine will wallow in it, and no sin so damnable but man will commit it.
A mouse was caught by its tail in a trap the other day, and the poor creature went on eating the cheese. Many men are doing the same. They know that they are guilty, and they dread their punishment, but they go on nibbling at their beloved sins.
Do not begin to teach others until the Lord has taught you.
The sins of disciples of Christ are a thousand times worse than the sins of unbelievers, because they sin against a gospel of love, a covenant of mercy, against a sweet experience and against precious promises. 
When the Lord makes us feel that we are poor, undeserving creatures, we do not mind taking the lowest room, or doing the meanest work, for we feel that as long as we are out of hell and have a hope of heaven, the meanest service is an honor to us. We are glad enough to where God would have us be, seeing Christ has loved us and given himself for us.
When a man gives himself up to a deceitful heart he gets to be a destroyer of others. Not content with being lost themselves, they become the servants of Satan to destroy others. A man catcher sets traps to catch men, aiming to pervert, to corrupt, to mislead, to be guile. Such fiends in human form have surely reached the last stage of corruption when they not only sin themselves, but are the creators of sin in others.
Everything about you and me that is unreal God hates, and hates it more in his own people than anywhere else.
Great minds love the simple gospel of God, for they find rest in it from all the worry and the weariness of questions and of doubt.
The life of the Christian should be a magnet to draw people to Christ.
Sin and hell are married unless repentance proclaims the divorce.
I would rather go to heaven doubting all the way, than be lost through self-confidence.
The holier a man becomes, the more he mourns over the unholiness which remains in him.
The preacher who neglects to pray much must be very careless about his ministry. He cannot have comprehended his calling. He cannot have computed the value of a soul, or estimated the meaning of eternity.
When the book of God's purposes shall be all unfolded in actual history there will be found no blots, mistakes and blunders there. He knows the end from the beginning and his purposes shall be fulfilled in every jot and tittle, and in nothing shall the glory of God be marred. Though Satan may be laughing now, and every now and then the men of the world may boast against the people of God, it shall not be so in the close of the affair.
Let us not act as if we expected to remain in these lowlands forever. It is a dreadful thing to see men who profess to be Christians unwilling to die.
We occupy a house, which is evidently not our own, and therefore there must be some rent to pay. The rent that God asks of his tenants is that they should praise him as long as they live.
Real conversion by the Holy Spirit is as distinct and radical a change as though an old man were placed in a mill and ground young again.
Why should I disbelieve my God? How dare I doubt him who cannot lie? How can I mistrust the faithful promiser who has added to his promise his oath, and over and above his promise and his oath has given his own blood as a seal?
We must get rid of the icicles that hang about our lips. We must ask the Lord to thaw the ice caves of our soul and to make our hearts like a furnace of fire heated seven times hotter. If our hearts do not burn within us, we may well question whether Jesus is with us. Those who are neither cold nor hot he has threatened to spew out of his mouth. How can we expect his favor if we fall into a condition so obnoxious to him?
The more we pray, the more we shall want to pray. The more we pray, the more we can pray. The more we pray, the more we shall pray. He who prays little will pray less, but he who prays much will pray more. And he who prays more, will desire to pray more abundantly.
As weeds multiply in the soil, so do sins spring up in our hearts.
Ten minutes praying is better than a year's murmuring.
All the water in the sea will not hurt the vessel one thousandth part as much as that which comes into it. Are you God's servant or not? If you are, how can your heart be cold?
Do not spare yourself and become self-satisfied; but on the other hand, do not slander yourself and sink into despondency. Your own opinion of your state is not worth much; ask the Lord to search you.
Live by the day-aye, by the hour. Put no trust in frames and feelings. Care more for a grain of faith than a ton of excitement. Trust in God alone, and lean not on the needs of human help. Be not surprised when friends fail you; it is a failing world. Never count on immutability in man.
We are not called to proclaim philosophy and metaphysics, but the simple gospel. 
Man's fall, his need of a new birth, forgiveness through atonement, and salvation as the result of faith, these are our battle-ax and weapons of war.
We know our Shepherd from all others. We know him from a statue covered with his clothes. We know the living Christ, for we have come into living contact with him, and we cannot be deceived anymore than Jesus Christ himself can be deceived about the Father. We know him by union with him and by communion with him. We know him by love; we know him by trusting him. And we know him also by a deep sympathy with him, for what Christ desires to do, we also long to do. Nothing makes us so glad as that Jesus Christ is a Savior.
I would rather lay my soul asoak in half a dozen verses all day long than I would, as it were, rinse my hands in several chapters. Oh, to bathe in a text of Scripture and to let it be sucked up into your very soul til it saturates your heart. The man who has read many books it not always a learned man, but he is a strong man who has read three or four books over and over til he has mastered them. Set your heart upon God's Word! It is the only way to know it thoroughly; let your whole nature be plunged into it as cloth into a dye. Try to follow the Lord fully, even though it should cause the revision of cherished sentiments, or even the alteration of your denomination connections.
Nobody ever outgrows Scripture; the book widens and depends with our years.
It's a good thing God chose me before I was born, because he surely would not have afterwards.
I believe a very large majority of churchgoers are merely unthinking, slumbering worshipers of an unknown God.
Get men converted, and a thousand foolish ideas are destroyed.
This change is radical-it gives us new natures, it makes us love what we hated and hate what we loved, it sets us in a new road; it makes our habits different, it makes our thoughts different, it makes us different in private, and different in public.
There is not a spider hanging on the wall that doesn't have an errand; there is not a weed growing in the corner of the church lot hat doesn't have a purpose; there is not a single insect fluttering in the breeze that does not accomplish some divine decree. And I will never believe that God created any man, especially any Christian man, to be a blank, and to be a nothing.
By perseverance the snail reached the ark.
A man says to me, "Can you explain the seven trumpets of the Revelation?" No, but I can blow one in your ear, and warn you to escape from the wrath to come.
Evangelical repentance is repentance of sin as sin: not of this sin nor of that, but of the whole mass. We repent of the sin of our nature as well as the sin of our practice. We bemoan sin within us and without us. We repent of sin itself as being an insult to God. Anything short of this is a mere surface repentance, and not a repentance which reaches to the bottom of the mischief. Repentance of the evil act, and not of the evil heart, is like men pumping water out of a leaky vessel, but forgetting to stop the leak. Some would dam up the stream, but leave the fountain still flowing; they would remove the eruption from the skin, but leave the disease in the flesh.


The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul.

-Psalm 19:7 

  Here is what Spurgeon, Wesley, Moody, Finney, Whitfield, Luther, Newton, and A.B. Earle have to say about God's Law (the 10 Commandments):


"Lower the Law, and you dim the light by which man perceives his guilt. This is a very serious loss to the sinner, rather than a gain; for it lessens the likelihood of his conviction and conversion...I say you have deprived the gospel of its ablest auxiliary [most powerful weapon] when you have set aside the Law. You have taken away from it the schoolmaster that is to bring men to Christ...they will never accept grace till they tremble before a just and holy Law. Therefore the Law serves a most necessary and blessed purpose and it must not be removed from it's place."

"When the sinner sees the awful consequences of breaking the Law of God - that he cannot escape the certainty of judgment - he will see his need to put on the Lord Jesus Christ. When we preach future punishment by the Law, the sinner comes to Christ solely to flee from "the wrath to come."

  "My brethren, we must not cease to declare the law, its demands, its threatenings, and the sinner's multiplied breaches of it."

Martin Luther-

"The first duty of the gospel preacher is to declare God's law and show the nature of sin." 

"Satan, the god of all dissention, stirs up daily new sects. And last of all, which I should never have foreseen or once suspected, he has raised up a sect such as teach that the Ten Commandments ought to be taken out of the church, and that men should not be terrified by the Law, but gently exhorted by preaching the grace of Christ."

"The first duty of the Gospel preacher is to declare God's Law and show the nature of sin, because it will act as a schoolmaster and bring him to everlasting life which is in Jesus Christ."

George Whitfield- "That is the reason (not using God's law) we have so many mushroom converts."
John Newton- "the correct understanding of the harmony between law and grace is to preserve oneself from being entangled by errors on the right hand and on the left." 
Charles Finney- "Evermore, the law must prepare the way for the gospel ….to overlook this in instructing souls is almost certain to result in false hope, the introduction of a false standard of Christian experience, and to fill the church with false converts."
A.B. Earle- "I have found by long experience that the severest threatenings of the law of God have a prominent place in leading men to Christ. They must see themselves lost before they will cry for mercy. They'll not escape danger until they see it."
John Wesley- "Before I preach love, mercy and grace, I must preach sin, Law and judgment." 
"Preach 90 percent Law and 10 percent grace." 
John Wycliffe- "The highest service to which a man may attain on earth is to preach the Law of God." 
D.L. Moody- "God being a perfect God, had to give a perfect Law, and the Law was given not to save men, but to measure them."


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