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Well I went out and took 17 more photos. Check them out in the photos section. The new pictures have a * before it. I hope to have some more pictures pretty soon. Enjoy and stay tuned for more to come.

New Photos Info
The new photos that I have posted well, some of them have a little bit of a background to them. In a couple of the photos you will see a hand with a sword made out of stone. Well these swords extend over the road and at the base of the hand there is like a bag full of Iraqi helmut's from the soldiers that have died during the past wars they have fought. Also the building that you see quite a bit of is the building where our team works. The Pictures of a stadium like building is the place where if you have seen pictures of Saddam holding a shotgun in one hand and firing it in the air. Well that's where those photo's were taken at. --Useless facts

News from Baghdad, Iraq
As I come to the close of my fourth month being deployed, I was sitting here remembering when I first came in to the country and how I thought that the time here was going to be really slow, but now that I am reaching the fifth month I look back and think man it doesn't really feel like I have been here almost a half a year. Not that it is a great accomplishment or anything. I also look back at how our living conditions have dramatically changed over the past couple of months. For instance: When we first got to Camp Virginia in Kuwait City we were living in huge tents packed liked sardines while our team waited for a mission. Then we finally got our first mission to support Seventh Combat Support Group. We drove for two weeks through the desert and mad sandstorms. When we had finally reached our destination with 7th CSG it was time to set up camp. So our team set up a tent, we crammed our four man team with our cots in a two man tent. Then after our first month with 7th CSG they decided to replace us. So we moved to 17th Signal Battalion, where we did nothing for about two weeks but play video games and watch movies until they decided to move to Baghdad International Airport. We drove for about three hours and then we make it to BIAP. Our living conditions changed again, this time we were living in a two story building. At the time there we thought we were living good. Everybody that lived in this building thought we were living in one of Sadam's palaces. After staying with 17th Sig. Bn for a month they also decide to replace us. Which was fine for our team because it seemed like every month we were moving and it made the time seem like it was flying by. So this time we move back with our company which is now North of Baghdad in a place called Anaconda. Now Anaconda used to be an Iraqi Aiforce Base which had been taken by American and Coalition forces. Talks have been spreading saying that they are going to make this place an American post for good. Sorry but I don't think I want to be stationed over here, it's bad enough being deployed our here. Anyways, our team went back to living in our tent again, but this time there was only three of us in one tent which was alot more comfortable than four, plus we put our AC unit that was on our truck in the tent. Now yeah it was real nice to have one AC in this tent, while everybody else in our company didn't have one, but that just wasn't good enough so we went looking for a second AC unit. Well we found one and hooked it up. Two AC's.....Deluxe. It would get so cold in that tent during the day that we would have to go outside to get warmed up. We had the best setup in our company that almost everybody would come in to our small tent just to sit inside to cool down. Then to make things better our company had decided to give us small refigerator. Our little tent had started to feel like home, with a fridge, tv, dvd's, video games, and a radio. Everybody wanted to hang out in our tent. Well as it has been before a month had gone by while we waited for another mission and we get one. All comfortable..we didn't want to leave. Our mission now is to support 800th Military Police Brigade. Reservist's out of New York. Now we are living in a palace that makes the one before look like a bedroom. There will be pictures of this palace coming soon. So stay tuned.

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