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Clinton: A filthy dirty stinker.

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What I think of Bill Clinton and other liberals like him.
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He ruined our country!

Just recently, Bill Clinton by order of the Constitusion gave up his political standing as president. For 8 years he sat in a big cushy chair and looked out over the gardens of the White House. Other than that he just sat in the same big cushy chair and sold our military secrets to America's enimies.

He did!! He sold confidential secrets to countries around the world for CAMPAIGN MONEY! Honestly- why would the american people adopt him as the president?

And if he could do anything else, he raped girls and women in his office. HE'S A SICK GUY!! And yet he still goes around kissin' babies. (Poor babies- they have to get all his saliva on thier cheeks/heads/mouths)

And now, after this war, lots of people are saying: "Why did Bush have to start this war?". Why?????? THE SAME PEOPLE THAT CLINTON GAVE MILITARY SECRETS TO CAME OVER IN OUT PLANES AND KILLED THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE!!!!! THATS why!! Some liberals would like to say: "Well, we didn't have to go and attack them, we could've made a deal or sumpthin". You don't make DEALS with BLOOD-THIRSTY TERRORISTS!!! Sadam Hussein killed his own family because he got sick of them! You don't lean back and relax and expect them to listen to: "Dear Mr. Hussein, We'd love it so much if you would pretty please leave us alone." They won't just say "Oh, alright; That's ok with us."

They HATE the USA; they hate the way people are able to walk the streets and buy things and do things of their OWN FREE WILL!!! They hate it how the average man can learn and work. They hate how all people are treated equal and can marry and live their life; without the goverment telling them where to put their foot and where to live and where to buy hairspray.

All of us are pretty lucky people to have America as our home country. Like the song "God bless the USA", the singer sings about how if he was left with nothing but his wife and kids all he'd need was to live here. I'm not saying that the USA is the greatest place in the universe- for all the high taxes and fees that have been going up are creating a economy crash-down. Especially since Sept. 11th. Not to mention all the sick, gross things going on all over.

Please think about this; as it impacts your life in a big, big way.