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Weight loss that works
Lose weight now ask me how
Call 1-866-530-2946
I am a nurse and thought I knew everything about health and nutrition, but after the birth of my son, I just could not get my weight under control. I had a lifetime of eating disorders and had tried just about every weight-loss program on the market with little or no results in the end. I was hungry, irritable, depressed and I decided that I would rather be DEAD than FAT. I had difficulty even walking around the house because my excess weight caused leg and foot pain. It was a real chore just keeping up with my 2½ year old son, and I was exhausted at the end of the day.
Then one day I saw an ad that caught my attention. I called the number and left my name and phone number. I felt like this was my last hope. I received a call the next day, and the program was explained to me in detail. I made an appointment to meet with the weight-loss consultant the next day. I was very skeptical at first, but I had to do something.
The next day I started the program, determined to do everything that I was instructed to do. I couldn't believe how good I felt. I called my consultant and started crying, I was so happy. During the first 5½ months that I was on the program, I lost a total 83 pounds. I have maintained that weight loss now for over a year and a half, and I feel like I finally have my life back.