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Matrix Falling Code Screensaver Competition

DeJa Vu, ... DeJa Vu ...

Deja View
This is what happens when there's a Deja Vu thing in the matrix.
It looks as though the code is perfectly rectangular. All tracers, and they flicker in what seems to be random groups of 2 or 3 up to about 30-35 thick. This happens for a few seconds, and then stops.
Should this be included in multi-monitor version, it seems that they start at slightly different times.
Maybe have a small delay on 2 of the 3 screens to give the illusion that the effects are totally indipendant of each other.
Another note would be that The code itself changes as well. It's not like the other effects where the code continues to do whatever it's doing and this happens in the background.
This seems to actually change the code. Maybe it's possible to have a sort of "default screenshot" of what characters are in what locations and have it flicker back and forth between this and a few other ones,
while having this effect almost overlayed on top to give the illusion that it's being re-written.
Also, This doesn't write on the black like before, it seems to apply only to the green and white code. Not the black/lack of code.