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Matrix Falling Code Screensaver Competition

Green Code

Green Written Code
Once a peice of code is written it does one of 2 things:
Stays the same
Changes *or cycles through the code*
If it stays the same, good :) Easy enough
If it Changes;
Then it's using the random characters to change. The properties are as follows:
The characters that change/fade in and out, are what we'll call Intro characters, because they introduce themselves into the code.
Of 100 chanracters that might fade in and out, only 2 of them aren't in code already, meaning that most of the green code that is already written will stay as that until it fades out.
The rest that seem to change are really these fading characters. This also gives the overall general movement idea.
It seems generally speaking that these characters will change every 3 spaces that the white tracers will move. This indicates that there are 3 stages of these characters that change:
They have 4 levels where they are the character they are.
The First stage would be "writing" where it's just been written onto the page.
The Second is where it stays...
The Third is where it stays some more.
The fourth is where the character that was there fades out, and the other bursts in... Like the first one. This gices the appearence of 3's.
If you look at it like this:
The top lines are characters A, C, E and G
and the bottom lines are B, D, and F
A fades in on 1, stays for 2, 3, and fades out ON 4
At the exact same time, B fades in on 4, which is B's 1, stays for 2, and 3, and then fades out for 4 while...
Anyway, what makes this interesting is that it makes beats if you will *as I'm a musician this is the best way for me to explain it*
Fade, 2 3, Fade, 2, 3, Fade, 2, 3, etc...
The fade is the common point where 1, and 4 meet, so each character exists for 4 "beats" but the 1'st of one and the 4'th of another exist in each other's space.
This happens every time a white one falls 3 spaces... Therefore they fall and change all at the same time.
I'm sure you get the idea anyway
What makes the matrix code look like it's constantly moving though is that it's first stage.. It overwrites what's there.
This code overwriting makes the code look a little brighter *when it's just more green* and that's why people thing it's fading in.
About the peices of code that change: they all change at the same time. They don't just work seperate from each other, they change together every 3 ticks. If they all did that individually it would look too busy... But having all the characters change like that in groups of 3 makes it look a little slower so to speak.
Less active, while still doing something. Something else that makes it difficult to mimic.