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Matrix Falling Code Screensaver Competition

Code Trace Bursts

Trace Code Bursts
This is the effect where I'd like to have it assigned to a key and when you press it, this effect happens.
Take a random Tracer, and then from there, expand the white code outwards.
Stuff that is black stays black, but green ones change white and back to green again but are a different # *or font character* then they were before, Like a Physical property of changing to white like that.
Call it a Matrix Code Refresh :)
So this matrix code refresh.. It's a square shaped phenomenon. It's not really an object so much as it is something that happens to the characters around it.
Something that I'd like to point out: If you'll notice, the burst images are very similar. The white "windows" that expand seems to have exactly the same shape in both instances.
Maybe the green code is used in that case as a transparency of some sort and the black is blocking us from seeing the rest?