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On this page you may find answers to many of you questions.
Some of the questions you ask my or may not be answered.
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What is the "Game"?
Most people play the Game in one way or the other, Some people don't even know that they are doing it, others know but cant identify it. And then there are the select few that know it, play it, and use it to their advantage. A good example of the game would be a Psychologist. A Psychologist listens to you talk about your like's, dislike's, and all other shit you feel you need to tell this person. Now the question is how did that person "Psychologist" get you to talk about thing's you would never even tell your own mother or the closest person to you? That is simple. The Psychologist sits there and say's not a word and only speaks when he/she is spoken to. Such as- You walk in and the Psychologist asks you to "Sit down", "Have a seat", or asks "Would you like a seat". All of these offer you a subliminal message to be comfortable. So right from the start you have a sense of welcome, some sort of comfort. Next you will more than likely take that seat. The Psychologist will then ask how you are doing. You would say fine. Or some other cop-out such as that. There would be a moment of silence an strange silence. Then the Psychologist will say that's good. Again with the silence. This puts you in a frame of mind that you don't even know that is happening, you will do anything to feel comfortable again. As comfortable as you did when you first came in the room and sat down. That is why the Psychologist made you feel so welcome. Made you feel like you could talk to him/her about anything. So next you find yourself thinking of something to say anything to make the silence stop. So you find yourself telling this stranger things about you and your day. The Psychologist will take the information you give spread it out and analyze it and begin to pick you apart. The next thing you know is you are crying because this person has the ability to tell you what you should do with your life and you come to this person and ask what you should do with your life. Every choice you make is now depended on the thoughts of the Psychologist. The "Game" is a form of control over another person.

As a rule I can not tell you haw to Play the Game but I can tell you what it is.
So you ask- How can this person not tell me how to do this?
I say- Because not every one should be given this ability.
So you ask- And you have the right, the power to decide who and who cant have this knowledge?
I say- Yes I do.
This is my game and I will always be the best at it. No one else can have the gift I have created.

If you have any further questions I will be happy to hear them.
E-Mail me at Ashiffert@msn.compic
The world is at my feet
All humans are to be done with as I see fit.

Joanelle. You shall be my Queen