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Welcome to all you Bow Wow fans and others to WoOoW!! The site that makes you say WoW in a great way! - Thanks to CMB Productions for the great slogan - Check out the CELEBRITY MESSAGE BOARD (CMB) founder F also know as bestmann or MannoftheBoard.

THE NAME WOW was not derived from the name Bow Wow - Strange isn’t it? Whilst reading this intriguing book I came across the name : WoW Magazine.Then thoughts came to mind about generating a magazine with the names of the nominees, winners and illustrations etc… of the Bow Wow BBs 2002 Awards. After working on a few pages I decided to change it into a site and from thence I just kept on brainstorming. [Thanks to Zee for loaning me the book, I’ll make sure to return it when I’m done.]

WOOOW!! IS CREATED for the BOW WOW BOARD, BOW WOW ONLINE TEAM and LIKE MIKE Board Bulletin System [BBs]. Thoughts also came to mind about creating pages for other artists who are part of the SONY BOARD BULLETIN SYSTEM, but when I thoroughly contemplated on the idea I decided to disregard the thought. Why? Most of my time is spent on the BOW WOW BOARDS because on the other boards I feel like a total stranger. Giving birth to these other artists’ pages would have me only to neglect them. [Pages i.e.]

THE PURPOSE OF WOOOW!! Is to make those of you with skills, e.g.: rhyming, creating banners, writing, etc… and I do mean etc… feel like STARS [don’t be like: I can’t make banners or I can write poems… JUST BE YOU]. As a result for your skills in whatever area, you will get a chance to be nominated for FAN of the MONTH and whoever accumulates the most winnings throughout the year automatically becomes FAN OF THE YEAR when the 2nd annual Bow Wow BBs Award will take place. With your help we could keep the BBs Awards alive.

For those of you who do write poems and stories and want them read, join the SHADS DYMES PLUSZ founded by Jackie also known as Caliznumba1Dyme fo J3_Shads Productions. To join Shad Dymes Plusz email Jackie at Eighty-one (81) members strong and still going

Also join the BOWWOWFANSATTACK group. If you truly are a Bow Wow fan you will want to join this group. You are kept updated on stuff going on with Bow Wow. Don’t want to miss a thing? Then go ahead and join Ebonie also known as KiSs4MrMoSs and Marquina at Bowwowfansattack. Donate whatever it is you can to the group. All love is welcomed. The group was founeded on the sole purpose of support for Bow Wow. Ebonie will also be unleashing her new Bow Wow site when UNLEASHED drops, so stay tuned for that.

THANK YOUS: Thanks GO OUT to those of you who have contributed to the site. Thanks for your pictures! Without your pictures the Gallery would not be in existence. Thanks for the rhymes on the Free-Style Page and thanks in advance to those of you who are planning on contributing. Thanks also go out to F for helping with the site and for coming up with the brilliant idea to have the BBs Awards, also to Ebonie. Thanks girl! Just you being positive kept me going. Muchas Gracias!

Check out for BOWWOWFANSATTACK, SHADS DYMES PLUSZ and CMB, links on the last page. Feel free to join. NO HATING!!

It’s not a felony feel free to contact me at