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Ladiesfinger Masala



Ladiesfinger (bindi): 250 gms
Hung curd :1/2 cup
Onion :1 chopped fine
Tomato :1 small diced
Chilli pd:1 tsp
Dhaniya pd :1 tsp
Jeera pd: 1/2 tsp
Salt to taste
Oil as required

Method: Cut bindi into two pieces. Beat hung curd. Heat oil add sliced onion. Fry for a minute add chopped tomato. After three minutes add the dry ingredients. Sprinle water to prevent the masala from sticking. Add the bindi pieces. Fry and add hung curd and again stir. Add salt,1/2 cup water and simmer until done. Add dhaniya patta and serve hot with rotis.

Hung curd: Take two cups setcurd and hang it in amuslin cloth till all water drains off. Then remove from the cloth and use as needed.