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what it feels like...
July 13, 2003

what is your name: Shayla
what is your middle name: may
what are your nick names: i dont have any nicknames...although, i have been called a major bitch
what are your screen names: Daydreanna
when is your birthday: february 2nd
how old are you: 20
how tall are you: 5'7
what color are your eyes: dark brown
what color is your hair: i just died it, chocolate cherry
nationality: norwegian, swedish, arabic
do you have siblings: nope
who is your role model: i don't have one
do you have any piercings: my ears are pierced six times....and...i have my tounge
do you have any tattoos: nope
what size shoe are you: 9
what size ring are you: 8
what do you do best: breathe? um...i dont know.....make people laugh.
what makes you cry and why: lots of things make me cry for their various reasons
what makes you happy: happiness
Q. Have you ever
have you ever been loved: i think so..once upon a time
have you ever kissed someone: yes
have you ever smoked: no
have you ever been arrested: no
have you ever seen a star: a star?
have you ever drank: yes
have you ever cried: yeah
Q. Relationships
do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: maybe..just maybe
do you have a crush: i dont do crushes anymore
if yes, who are they: as stated above, i dont do crushes
do you believe in love: yes
what was your longest relationship: 7 months and some odd days
what was your shortest relationship: 1 hour lol
have you ever cheated on someone: never
what is the best thing about love: showing that person that you love them and knowing that they love you back
what is the worst thing about love: not being able to be there for them the way you most want to be
what is right next to you? a diet coke
what is your computer desk made of? um....some......thing.....its hard to explain.
what are the last four digits of ur phone number? 1-900, oh wait those are the first
what was the last thing you ate? cheerios
do you like snow, sun, or rain? i love them all, but snow and rain especially
talked to on the phone? my mom
what's the sexiest thing that you find in the opposite sex? trusting eyes
how do you eat an oreo? in first, then the cream..then the bottom.
what's the best advice given to you? everything is meant to be
what do you want to be when you grow up? i am not sure.. im really just trying to make it thru today
what is your favorite food? pizza w/ extra cheese. i <3 it.
what's your favorite month? february & october
are you too shy to ask someone out? no
what's your favorite name brand? diesel, hurley & roxy
what is the stupidest thing you've ever done? trust people
what is your first daughter's name going to be? its top secret
day or night? night
summer or winter? fall
hugs or kisses? can i have both please?
do you get a tan only in summer? no
do you have big ears? no
do you like to give advice? when its needed & going to be helpful, otherwise its just taken the wrong way
are you a daydreamer? sometimes
In the past week, have you...?
cried? yes
cut your hair? yes
been mean? yes
been sarcastic? yes
gone for a walk? yes
gone out for dinner? yes
meet someone new? yes
talked to an ex? no
missed an ex? no
missed someone? yes
hugged someone? yes
danced with someone? no :(

i love these questionaire things, theyre so rad.

About Me

My name is Shayla
Im 20
Favorite things to do: waste my life away online.


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