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Hi Welcome to my website where Hamster rule the world! So you are a hamster lover? Well thats great! We have everything you need! From cleaning cages to feeding! So what are waiting for Scroll down!

Aren't hamsters cute?

Hamster food!

Seeds is a very popular food for hamsters. Hamster food is cheep. It is easy to put in the cage. Don't feed your hamster a lot of food. The store a lot of food in their cheeks, but don't eat it all. Wild hamsters will eat anything because they are scavengers. You can feed your hamster only a little of vegetables, fruits, cheese, and bread. You can feed your hamster insects from the store. Not insects you catch.

Cage Cleaning!

Talking care of a hamster cage is very simple. Once or twice or week is a good amount of times to clean their cage. You should put your hamster in a hamster ball to clean their cage. They will get excires also, so that is good. It's your hamster. You should clean their cage. Cleaning your hamster's cage teaches you responsibility.

Why are hamsters good pets