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Character Battles!

Welcome, Pratically, in these pages, you'll see some people from Final Fantasy 7,8,9 & 10 having what can only be described as battle to the death... So, read these and enjoy :)

Battle #1 - Tifa vs. Aeris

Well, this battle looks promosing, Tifa and Aeris go head to head for the prize of Clouds heart. The bell rings.
Aeris starts off casting Fire, turning Tifa into a black cookie, Tifa bitch-slaps Aeris in the face knocking her down, Aeris gets up and returns with a Cura, and hits Tifa in the head with her metal staff! Tifa gets up looking dazed, and comes back into the battle with a Dolphin Blow! Aeris looks... dead... but wait, she's still alive, she gets up and Summons Ifrit! It looks like Tifa has been turned into a piece of charcoal and also K.O'd... Aeris goes for her reward, but Cloud... isn't anywhere in site...

WINNER: Aeris/Aerith

Battle #2 - Ultimecia & Kuja vs. Sephiroth

Well, this is proally gonna be the batle of the Titans, While Kuja (FF9) & Ultimecia (FF8) vs. Sephiroth (FF7), this battle is gonna blow everyone away. The bell rings.
Kuja starts the match summoning his Silver Dragon which takes a big swipe at Sephiroth, but for some reason, Sephiroth hasn't even got a scratch? Sephiroth Pulls out his Masamune and totally destroys Silver Dragon! Kuja out of rage turns Trance and casts Ultima! Sephiroth looks hurt, but so does Kuja... Sephiroth has just turned into his ANGEL FORM, Kuja and Ultimecia look pretty screwed now, Sephiroth uses Flare which kills Kuja! It's like a small case of divide and conquer! Ultimecia knows she is no match anymore... as a last resort she uses Hell's Judgement! Sephiroth is now almost defeated, he comes back though with Big Bang! Sephiroth and Ultimecia are now both down to 1 HP, as a last move, Sephiroth uses SUPERNOVA... OH NO, WHAT HAS HE DONE, HE IS GONNA KILL US ALL...

WINNER: None (Due to sephiroth killing everyone and everything...)

Battle #2 - Ultimecia & Kuja vs. Sephiroth

Well, this match is for no reason, we got Irvine & Zell drunk and put them in a wrestling ring to see what would happen. The bell rings.
Zell starts the match running towards irvine to throw a punch, but due to drunkness... falls over, Irvine seeing this as his chance... get's his GUN out! *cencored - please have a nice day* OH MY GOD, IRVINE HAS JUST BLEW ZELL AWAY! Ladies and Gentleman, we present the winner

WINNER: Irvine... and his Gun...