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Davin Williams


What's up?! You're now "Empty-Minded",

I'm glad you came. But before you came, what did you expect from me? If you don't fully like my site but have ideas, email them to me and I'll try to change some stuff around.

Anyway, this is the "Empty-Minded" world, created by Davin Williams.


Go check ya email if you want to. But it has to be in yahoo mail.

Empty-minded, is what I am,
I'm tryna think of a way to get around Uncle Sam,
Tryna pull off a scam, that's the way that I am
Empty-minded is what I be,
I'm tryin' to write a summary, I'm tryna climb a tree,
Tryna hang out wit my g, we from K.C.
Empty-minded is how i came,
Now my people wanna get me in the game,
Everybody changed, all the bells rang now everybody sang,
Empty-minded, so I can't think,
But I'd take my girl to the skatin' rink,
I'd let her sink her teeth, inside of a mountain freezin' drink

That was a part of one of my latest raps.

But now, I want to explain why you all have come to this website. It's because, right now, you are empty-minded. And since you're so empty-minded, I'll be your mind for today. My site will give you information on famous people, lyrics, I'll show you some good sites, I posted a calender on here so y'all can know what day it is, and uh, I got a lot of stuff in here so stay as long as you want.

For you people that know you got homework to do right now, I made a site that you can use a calculator, you can look up some science facts, some geography facts, some social studies facts, and whatever you might need. It ain't for just nerds, it's an "I gotta do my work and get it over wit'" kinda situation. Take ya time, get it right, turn it in, tell ya friends about my site, and they'll be doin' they're work too. A'ight.

If you wanna check out some cold sites hit these up

Gamespot is a good site for catchin' game cheats, reviews, and a few downloads

Newgrounds is a good site for killin' pop stars and undressin' pictures of Britney, J. Lo., Halle, all the good girls.

2d Arcade is where you'll propbably find some good fighting games.

Stick Death is a site you wanna go to just to see some sticks acting stupid, killin' each other and wrestlin' and stuff.

Spin Chat is where I like to chat sometimes.

Email me to request a poll on any subject, ask me weird questions to see if I could come up with an answer, ask me about a lot of stuff. I don't care what it is, just ask. (Note: I will put your name beside the question or request on the Empty-Minded home page.) Empty-Minded but I don't know how I do it.

Jump to one of my other sites;
Select an item:

Submit your email address to me and I'll keep in touch wit' you.
(Girls, you can email me as much as you want.)
Okay. I'm aiming this right here to the young adults that wat to start learning how to make games. I downloaded this thing called RPG Maker 2000. It's cold than a mug but it takes time to do what you tryna do. If you wanna make a fhetti game, it's gonna take a few months. (In my opinion, [not trying to hurt feelings], spending too much time on one game is dumb. Unless you're working on other things at the same time, squeezing time in for the game-making.

Anyway, enjoy the RPG MAKER 2000 and theRTPe tools and since I'm still on the subject, be on the lookout for my game. It's gonna be made through RPG Maker 2000.

Now, for the people who download programs off the internet frequently, have you ever come across a .zip file? You couldn't open the program once you spent all that downloading time, could you? I can help you. I have a program the opens the .zip files' folders and exposes the .exe files within them. I like to call it The Zipper. You can download The Zipper if you want to. I have a few game setups that can be downloaded.