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Edison Martial Arts Academy: Curriculum

White Belt

First Stripe


8 Lessons

Second Stripe

Kata: Kam-Sah/ Appreciation

8 Lessons

Third Stripe

Self Defense

8 Lessons


1. Combinations and Self Defense
2. 3 Count Front Kick
3. Kam-Sah and Complete Test Procedures

24 Lessons/ Three Stripes

Gold Belt

First Stripe


8 Lessons

Second Stripe

Kata: Ja-Yoo/ Freedom

8 Lessons

Third Stripe

Self Defense

8 Lessons


1. Combinations and Self Defense
2. 4 Count Side Kick
3. Ja-Yoo and Complete Test Procedures

24 Lessons/ Three Stripes

Green Belt

First Stripe


8 Lessons

Second Stripe

Kata: Jon-Kyong/ Respect

8 Lessons

Third Stripe

Self Defense

8 Lessons


1. Combinations and Self Defense
2. 3 Count Round Kick and Gi-Cho Form #1
3. Jon-Kyong and Complete Test Procedures

24 Lessons/ Three Stripes

Purple Belt

First Stripe


10 Lessons

Second Stripe

Kata: Ja-Sin/ Confidence

10 Lessons

Third Stripe

Self Defense

10 Lessons


1. Combinations and Self Defense
2. 4 Count Hook Kick and Gi-Cho Form #2
3. Ja-Sin and Complete Test Procedures

30 Lessons/ Three Stripes

Blue Belt

First Stripe


15 Lessons

Second Stripe

Kata: Jung-Yee/ Justice

15 Lessons

Third Stripe

Self Defense

15 Lessons


1. Combinations and Self Defense
2. 6 Count Side Kick
3. Jung-Yee and Complete Test Procedures

35 Lessons/ Three Stripes

Red Belt

First Stripe


15 Lessons

Second Stripe

Kata: Pyong-Ha/ Peace

15 Lessons

Third Stripe

Self Defense

15 Lessons


1. Combinations and Self Defense
2. 6 Count Round/ Side Kick and One Step Sparring
3. Pyong-Ha and Complete Test Procedures

45 Lessons/ Three Stripes

Brown Belt

First Stripe


15 Lessons

Second Stripe

Kata: Tekken

15 Lessons

Third Stripe

Self Defense

15 Lessons


1. Combinations and Self Defense
2. 9 Count Kick and Double Step Sparring
3. Pyong-Ha and Complete Test Procedures

45 Lessons/ Three Stripes