Edison Martial Arts Academy: Creeds Student Creed To build TRUE CONFIDENCE through KNOWLEDGE in the mind, HONESTY in the heart, and STRENGTH in the body. To keep Friendship with one another and to build a strong and HAPPY Community. Never fight to acheive selfish ends, but to develop MIGHT FOR RIGHT! Student Pledge 1. I pledge to develop myself in a positive manner and avoid anything that would reduce my mental growth or my physical health. 2. I pledge to develop self-discipline in order to bring out the best in myself and others. 3. I pledge to use what I learn in class constructively and defensively; to help myself and my fellow man and never be abusive or offensive. 7 Home Rules for Children 1. Children shall greet their parents with "Hi, Mom! Hi Dad!" when they enter the home and tell their parents "Good-bye!" when they leave. 2. Children will always be respectful of their Parents, Teachers and Elders. 3. Children will be kind to their Brothers and Sisters. 4. Children will keep the household neat and clean. 5. Children will keep their hair, body and teeth clean daily. 6. Children will not interrupt Adult Conversations. 7. Children shall fix the Recipe for Straight 'A's daily! o When you come home from school, open the refrigerator and have a glass of juice. o Open your book to review what you studied today. o Do your homework. o Preview what you will study tomorrow