Life Digest: The Official Digest of Life Vol 1., No.1 Certificate of Intensity Given to Local Lamp
“This lamp is intense,” says local writer Pete. "It stares in my eyes with its bold eye no matter where I'm seated, it seems." With a see-through base and chrome-meets-black metal look, the lamp's image is meant to intimidate as much as its bold eye. And intimidate it does. Casting shadows as stark as the Martian landscape, this lamp earns its Certificate of Intensity and then some. Says Pete, "Sometimes I just don't turn it on." Car Permitted Last Night A dazzling silver permit hangs from the rearview mirror of Pete's car, outside his house, he reports. "The permit is good for one night -- namely last night -- and I have to go take care of things," says the young man, "so that [the car] is permitted to park during the day." Car Permitted Today "The car is permitted today," Pete reports. "I put the day permit on the dashboard and took down the sign from last night." Editorial: Dashboard permits part of Conspiracy by Police The police department mandates that the permits be hung from the rearview mirror, yet it is illegal under California law to drive with anything hanging from the rearview mirror. That seems to this editor like an abuse of our sanity. Added to the fact that permits are needed for daytime parking, the need to remove your nighttime permit each day and replace it each night, with a new date scratched out, will drive drivers batty. Classifieds For Sale: All the crap in the room next to my garage. Except my mom's wedding dress. I need the space and that dress gives the room some aura.