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October 14th!:
(instant message @ katieluvsu569) Hey Wow this year has been SOO great so far! I'm still tryin 2 get frames but i just csnt get it 2 work! isnt that crazee??? ahh its drivin me mad! I also want 2 get a halloween layout but i havent foun a good one yet(or any at all 4 that matter!) well I gotta go but i should update more sooon!! i promise! okay pokay well c u l8er!! Hey Katie Herre! I haven't updated in SUCH a long time! And I STILL haven't gotten frames up! I am such a hard worker! lol I did get this new layout up tho. I have gotten a few l/e tho, which is good. I also added the Contest Page. But It Really hasnt been workin out.I have my 1st winner tho.I'm gonna put her site up 2day. I won't be doin much with my site now cuz skool takes up all of my time! Well I'll update when i Get a chance. Look around my Site!!!<3

**Winner of the 1st Contest Grace!! !!CLick here 2 visit her Site!!


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