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Are you sitting comfortably? The story begins with the founder of Camp thud, Tom Hudson or Thud to his friends:

Tom Hudson does the degree for Economics.... ergo; he had nothing to do during the summer exams of the first year, except dream about what to do after them. Eventually the great founder of Camp Thud (blessed be his name), collated ideas and plans for after the exams into an itinerary, three weeks packed full of entertainment goodness. But what to call such an extravaganza of light hearted entertainment? Eventually Tom had the brilliant idea of naming the camp after himself... Camp Thud was born... hooray!!!! The camp has gone from strength to strength and is now it's third year, due to be the most camp edition ever!!!!

If you have never heard of Camp Thud before you may like to know what 127 Harlaxton drive and friends are up2 after exams, we invite you and your friends to join all or some of the camp entertainments. See the camp itinerary bellow:

days 'til Camp Thud 3 awards!!

Camp hit counter says:



Camp stuff

Camp awards
Harlaxton vs Rolleston... have your vote!!
Comment on the site.
Spot the difference campetition

Pictures from the camp

Camp pictures
Post exam, pre camp pictures
Ocean (29/05/03)
The zone (30/05/03)
The Works (02/06/03)
Ocean (03/06/03)
Grad ball (04/06/03)
Super heros (05/06/03)
Circle (07/06/03)
Safari (09/06/03)
Coc-soc!!! (09/06/03)

Camp sites

Down on the farm
Isis gallery
Rate my mullet .com
Mech Eng pictures
Dave Benson-Phillips.. official web site!!!
Official Queen fan site