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=============================================================================================================== I am Citizen Z - an American by birth and fully qualified to be a presidential candidate, unlike our current "President-Alleged". American society has reached a critical point in history. We either stop global socialism now or we will be consumed in its revolutionary fires. This blog reflects my personal outrage at what global socialists in both political parties have done to my country, America. ===============================================================================================================


Why California's Leftist Senator, Dianne Feinstein, always demands collective punishment - If any individual gun owner can be held responsible, then all in society must be punished for its collective guilt.

If individual criminals are responsible for shooting, then it is the Proletariat, the collective itself which is at fault and must be disarmed "so it can never happen again".

However, under the 1949 Geneva Convention, collective punishments are a war crime. Derived from National Socialism (Nazi) behavior which punished an entire group for the disobedience of one of the group. Popularized in movies, Nazi soldiers would execute 10 prisoners if one prisoner escaped. By the same principle, all jews became targets for extermination because the Nazis blamed a few of them, mostly shopkeepers, for hyperinflation, but it was the German government which printed the money. German officials should have been held responsible and sent to the camps but jews got the blame.

We see a similar thing happening today with gun owners - rather than hold the actual criminals to be responsible, it is the innocent gun owner who is the target, but for a different reason - the U.N. agenda to disarm the world's population so that only governments remain armed - the exact opposite philosophy from our own Constitution.

The Russian Military Manual (1990) referred to the 1949 Geneva Convention and the 1977 Additional Protocol to prohibit collective punishment. Article 50 of the Hague Regulations states a similar prohibition. Collective guilt is illegal. Politicians who want to overthrow the US Constitution are the "domestic enemies" that our official oaths warned us about. ===============================================================================================================


There is no power to tax interstate commerce. In fact, the Constitution expressly prohibits the taxation of interstate commerce, under Article 1, Section 9:


Article 1, Section 10 repeats that prohibition:


The purpose of those clauses was to place all interstate commerce into the hands of Congress, not individual states, in order to prevent one state from erecting tax barriers to protect its own economy from out of state competition.

Different states have different sales tax schemes, and if they are allowed to collect internet taxes, then they can erect trade barriers against producers in other states, something the founders wanted to prohbit. So sales tax on internet purchases is absolutely unconstitutional and illegal. ===============================================================================================================


Justice Roberts failed to notice in the "ObamaCare" case that the Congress had NO power to tax the lack of insurance. Read the 16th Amendment - it says only INCOMES are taxable, and not the failure to buy insurance.

An Obamacare tax is also prohibited under Article 1, Section 9, requiring all direct taxes to be apportioned according to the census.

The lack of health insurance is not "income" to the taxpayer. Justice Roberts failed to consider the limitations on the federal power to tax.

After reading Roberts' opinion, it looks as if he rushed to a decision without noticing that Congress never had unlimited power to tax, but only such power granted by the Constitution.

There is nothing constitutional about Obamacare - it is a "law" that could never exist because a free people have the natural right to not purchase something they do not want, regardless of what the US Supreme Court may decide. ================================================================================================================


You've got Stockholm Syndrome if you voted twice for Obama, allowed your wife and kids to be sexually molested by TSA workers, and still believe the government will make your life better. The same things happened under a Republican president - GW Bush - so it isn't a party issue but a systemic failure of government.

Obama is deliberately reducing essential services (to make it hurt) while continuing to spend excessively on non-essential items like $60 million to help Syrian rebels while US cities and some states are virtually bankrupt.

The outrageous malevolence of Obama spending tens of millions of tax dollars for his personal entertainment, Hawaiian vacations, and golfing holidays, while his appointees are engaged in destroying the national economy, is remarkable. Obama has to be the worst national leader in American history.

Obama's attack on the few courageous journalists who do comment on his illogical behavior is outrageous.

The most astonishing thing is that Congress has approved of nearly every illegal act committed by the White House, including military aggression against Libya, and other African nations with whom we were never at war.

Will it take a government collapse to save us or is it too late even then? =================================================================================================================

California Coast Air Radiation Count, April 22, 2013:

Still 1660 Counts per Minute!

(Home Furnace Air Filter counts measured inside home after 24 hours of operation.)

2+ years is safe?

HELL NO, it's not safe! Internal radiation is never safe - we are eating it, breathing it, drinking it, and the radiation damage is cumulative, building up over time.

Symptoms of radiation poisoning: nosebleeds, hair loss, sinus headaches, chronic cough, low testosterone levels, stomach acid reflux, the same health problems you see advertised on t.v. by the pharmaceutical companies, who sell pills and remedies without telling you that you've been poisoned by nuclear reactor fallout.

Radiation levels have been this high every day FOR OVER 2 YEARS!

Nuclear fallout from Fukushima is primarily radioactive Iodine-137.

So the continuously high readings means the radiation fallout reaching America has been continuous since the reactor exploded. This is far worse than a single-event A-Bomb explosion.

What can you expect from this in America?

For starters, an epidemic of lung cancer, thyroid cancer, leukemia, bone cancer - in our children. Frankly, our government officials are brain-dead. They still say nuclear power is "safe". They lie.

Their children face the same radiation as the rest of us yet they are still approving 34 new nuclear reactors for America. What's wrong with them? Is this intentional? Are they trying to hurt everyone? Population reduction happens when radiation sterilizes the population, and that's what is going on now across America. Everyone is getting "radiation treatment".

Spend a few hours reading up on the internet about Agenda 21 and population control and see if you can connect the dots to why the US government is silent about radiation danger from nuclear reactor fallout.

Do you think Fukushima is the only leaking reactor? If so, research "leaking nuclear reactors" on the internet and get an education!

Is it a coincidence that Fukushima happened on 3/11? What happened on 9/11? Go check out the documentary films about secret meetings of high government officials at the Bohemian Grove on YouTube and see why occult dates are important to government officials. See it all:

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