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“Speck Of Stardust”

Character Info




Name: Alxolon Araian Topi (Alx)

Age: 18

Height: 5’11”, (6’2” with hair)

Weight: 163 Lbs

Element: Light

Family: Salinis

Ethnicity: Chinese/Russian

Bio: Orphaned at a young age, Alx has lived his childhood, and adolescence alone and afraid.  Once He became able to control the light from his soul Alx has overcome his fear.  His only living relative is his little sister Salinis, whom he took into custody a few year earlier.  Throughout the Story Alx falls in love with his new best friend Tierra.


Theme: “The Last Remaining light” By “Audioslave”


Actor(s) Suggested to play in a movie version:

Keanu Reeves


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Name: Tierra

Age: 19

Height: 5’8”

Weight: 122 lbs.

Element: Fire and Ice

Family: Tacon

Ethnicity: Russian

Bio: Best Archer in the Kenolon Army, and Tacon’s younger sister.  Annoyed with Tacon, Tierra runs away from the army once she saves Alx from prison, she then joins him.  She develops a solid friendship with Alx, and falls in love with him without letting anyone know.


Theme: “So Close” by “Evanescence”


Actresses Suggested to play in a movie version:

Julia Volkova,

Milla Jovovich             



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Name: Daielle Trinia Renon

Age: 17

Height: 5’7”

Weight: 115 Lbs.

Element: Heal

Family: Noble Renon Family

Ethnicity: British

Bio: Young Daielle ran away from her home in search of adventure, yet only to be caught by Alx.  She is then returned to her home, taking Alx’s younger sister for her family’s care until he returns.  After a day she ambushes Alx and Balino, and she forces them to let her come with them.


Theme: “3 Libras” by “A Perfect Circle”


Actresses Suggested to play in a movie version:

(None Suggested)


Name: Balino

Age: 23

Height: 6’3”

Weight: 175 lbs.

Element: None

Family: Cataran Tribe

Ethnicity: Cataran

Bio:  Solider in the Cataran army, Balino was captured by humans after a battle.  Balino was put in a noose to be hung to death, yet was saved by Alx and his little sister. 

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Actor(s) Suggested to play in a movie version:

(None Suggested)


Name: Tacon

Age: 24

Height: 6’

Weight: 161 lbs.

Element: Plasma

Family: Tierra

Ethnicity: Russian

Bio: Field Commander for the Kenolon Army, hates all Catarans, and is Tierra’s older brother.  Tacon looks down upon Alx and Balino, finding himself superior to him in every way.  He also disapproves strongly against Tierra’s Love for Alx.


Theme: “One” by “Metallicia”

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Actor(s) Suggested to play in a movie version:

(None Suggested)

Name: Thrognizo

Age: ???

Height: 7’2”

Weight: 330 lbs.

Element: Darkness

Family: ???


Bio:  The evil Ruler of Therisho  



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