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Games that I play on my Computer

Here are just a few of the games I play.

Unreal Tournement 2003

The game I probalby play the most would have to be Unreal Tournement 2003. This game has amazing graphics and sound. I love how you can just pick a deathmatch level and sit there for 15 minutes running around shooting other players.

Grand Theft Auto III

Another game I like to play a lot would have to be Grand Theft Auto 3. This game is sweet because you can run around shooting people then when the cops start chasing you you can jump in a car and run from them that way.

Settlers 4

A game I play probably no ones heard of except for the people who play it. The game is Settlers. It's kinda like sim city but its set back in Roman times and you can also control people not just build buildings.